What is Far Infrared Therapy Products and Why Do We Use Them?

08 Jul.,2024


What is Far-Infrared Therapy (FIR) And What Does It Do?

Far-Infrared Therapy involves the use of Far-Infrared Rays (FIR), which are invisible waves of energy that penetrate the surface of the skin to gently elevate the body&#;s surface temperature and promote body systems&#; functions.

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Thermal therapy has in fact been in existence for thousands of years, dating back to ancient civilizations such as the Finns, the Romans, the ancient Chinese, the American Indians and the Egyptians 5,000 years ago.

Since ancient times, people have known that exposure to sunshine can maintain and enhance health. Sun therapy is a form of natural FIR thermal therapy and Far-Infrared Rays are the invisible rays of natural sunlight that have the longest wavelength. However, sunlight contains harmful ultraviolet rays which can burn the skin. As such, people started using pure Far-Infrared heat emitted from healing units, which has similar benefits as sun rays, minus the harmful UV rays.



Benefits of Far-Infrared Technology

For many decades, scientific evidence has found that heat can maintain and enhance the wellness of the human body. Scientists have researched different ways on how to develop more effective forms of thermal heat therapy that target specific areas and enable deep heat penetration.

Traditional forms of heat therapy can be hazardous, uncomfortable, unhygienic, inefficient and ineffective. Traditional saunas create exposure to extremely high temperatures causing heat stress which can have detrimental effects on health, especially for people with heart challenges or needing to sustain blood pressure. Thermal compression and wraps are uncomfortable, heat is easily lost, temperature does not remain constant and maintaining a thermal compression or wrap can be problematic and inconvenient.

Research and development in the sixties &#; notably most extensively in Japan and also Germany &#; introduced the Far-Infrared Ray (FIR) thermal technology. This revolutionized thermal technology to an effective, safe, natural, hygienic and efficient approach to thermal treatment. Today, heat therapy is used internationally by medical professionals for relief of sports injuries, detox, and even in hospital nurseries to warm newborns.





While more large-scale research needs to be done to prove the benefits of Far-Infrared Therapy, here are some potential benefits from existing research and patient testimonials.

1) Improve blood circulation

  • Far-Infrared expands capillaries which stimulate increased blood flow, regeneration, circulation and oxygen delivery. [1]

  • Good blood circulation is essential for healthy organ and tissue function.

2) Strengthens cardiovascular system

  • Far-Infrared can strengthen the cardiovascular system by causing heart rate and cardiac output increase, and diastolic blood pressure decrease &#; research by NASA in the early s led to the conclusion that far-infrared stimulation of cardiovascular function would be the ideal way to maintain cardiovascular conditioning in American astronauts during long space flight.[2]

  • FIR&#;s warming properties have also been shown to help improve the &#;health&#; of the cells that line our blood vessels[3], which if left untreated may increase the risk of heart disorders.

3) Improve detoxification

  • Far-Infrared is excellent for detoxification and helps lymphatic drainage.[4]

  • Scientists in Japan report that in the FIR treatment of clogged capillary vessels, heat expands the capillaries and then initiates the start of a process to dissolve hidden toxins.[4]

  • Far-Infrared thereby promotes the elimination of fats, chemicals and toxins from the blood: poisons, heavy metals &#; carcinogenic substances from food processing &#; lactic acid, free fatty acids and subcutaneous fat associated with aging and fatigue &#; excess sodium associated with blood pressure &#; and uric acid.[5]



4) Wound healing

  • Some recent good quality experimental and clinical scientific studies () from Japan have shown FIR to result in more rapid wound healing which was independent of changes in blood flow and skin temperature.[6]

  • FIR helped this healing by stimulating a group of cells called fibroblasts to make more collagen which is a very important part of good wound healing and tissue repair.[6]

  • Furthermore, it supports cell growth, DNA synthesis and protein synthesis, all of which are crucial for tissue repair and regeneration. This makes FIR therapy excellent for healing burns, scar tissue and skin problems such as acne and skin breakouts. Its anti-oxidative properties also promote anti-aging and lessening/softening of wrinkles due to enhanced collagen production.[6]

5) Relaxation and pain/aches management

  • FIR relaxes auto-neuro muscles which help the body make the most of its intended healing abilities.

  • FIR reduces soreness on nerve endings and muscle spasms by warming muscle fibers. As a result, rapid reduction of swelling, inflammation, and pain occurs. This allows for relaxation of muscles and relief of back, shoulder, and neck muscle aches.[7]

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  • FIR soothes tension and stress in both body and mind.[7]

6) Immunity boosting



  • Far-Infrared strengthens and supports the Immune system by supporting increased production of white blood cells (leukocytes) by the bone marrow and killer T-cells by the thymus.[8]

7) Cancer support



  • Far-Infrared Thermal Therapy, also known as Hyperthermia, supports the destruction of malignant cells which supposedly cannot survive if the temperature of the cell becomes 107.6F/42C and above.[9]

  • FIR is used extensively in Asia and Europe &#; especially Japan and Germany &#; but is only fairly recently researched and utilized within the USA, acknowledged and attested to by the American Cancer Association and the National Cancer Institute on their respective websites.

Infrared Therapy: Health Benefits and Risks

Infrared therapy is a new and innovative light-based method to treat pain and inflammation in various parts of the body. Unlike ultraviolet light, which can damage the skin, infrared light enhances cell regeneration. Infrared light is delivered to the site of injury or inflammation at certain wavelengths, promoting cell repair.

The key characteristic of infrared light is its ability to penetrate even the deep layers of the skin, providing better pain relief. Also, infrared light is safe, natural, non-invasive, and painless. Thus it may be able to provide a broad range of health benefits.

Infrared treatment for rehabilitation orthopedic medical care. Image Credit: VP Photo Studio / Shutterstock

Why is Infrared Therapy Widely Used Today?

Infrared therapy is widely used in the fields of medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and in autoimmune diseases, to name a few. The therapy is safe and natural, which enables it to be offered as an alternative treatment for various health conditions like muscle pain, joint stiffness, and arthritis, to name a few.

Infrared therapy has many roles in the human body. These include detoxification, pain relief, reduction of muscle tension, relaxation, improved circulation, weight loss, skin purification, lowered side effects of diabetes, boosting of the immune system and lowering of blood pressure.

What are the Health Benefits of Infrared Therapy?

Cardiovascular Health

One of the key health benefits of infrared therapy is improvement in cardiovascular health. Infrared light increases the production of nitric oxide, a vital signaling molecule that is important for the health of blood vessels. This molecule helps relax the arteries and prevents blood from clotting and clumping in the vessels. Aside from these, it also combats free radicals to prevent oxidative stress and regulate blood pressure.

Nitric oxide is essential in improving blood circulation, which provides more oxygen and nutrients to injured tissues. Thus, infrared light hastens wound healing and stimulates the regeneration of injured tissues, reducing inflammation and pain.

Pain and Inflammation

Infrared therapy is an effective and safe remedy for pain and inflammation. It can penetrate deep through the layers of the skin, to the muscles and bones. Since infrared therapy enhances and improves circulation in the skin and other parts of the body, it can bring oxygen and nutrients to injured tissues, promoting healing. It helps ease pain, relieve inflammation, and protect against oxidative stress.

Muscular Injuries

Infrared therapy improves the action of the mitochondria within cells, thus triggering the growth and repair of new muscles cells and tissues. In other words, infrared light can hasten the repair process after a muscle injury.


Infrared therapy can be applied through saunas. Detoxifications are important since they may strengthen the immune system. At the same time, detoxification aid biochemical processes to function properly, improving food digestion. In infrared saunas, the body&#;s core temperature increases, leading to detoxification at the cellular level.

Potential Cancer Cure

Infrared therapy is a potentially viable cancer treatment. Studies show significant activation of nanoparticles when they are exposed to infrared radiation, rendering them highly toxic to surrounding cancer cells. One such modality is photoimmunotherapy, using a conjugated antibody- photoabsorber complex that binds to cancer cells.

Killing Cancer Cells with the Help of Infrared Light - Photoimmunotherapy

What are the Risks Linked to Infrared Therapy?

Each day, humans are immersed in infrared radiation from the sun in the form of heat. In fact, infrared saunas are in-demand today, but experts warn of possible health risks. Thermal or heat injuries can happen, depending on the wavelength of the infrared light. Thermal injury can occur even without pain. Also, pregnant women, people with heart diseases, and those who are sick should never undergo infrared therapy.

Moreover, experts warn against using infrared therapy to treat chronic diseases while neglecting the use of medications and recommended treatment procedures. Though infrared therapy promises many health benefits, its study is far from complete. At present, therefore, it should be considered an adjunct to medical treatment, and other regimens should be continued as prescribed.

Further Reading

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