What's the best TPMS programming tool?

15 Jul.,2024


Top 10. Best of TPMS Tools

Schrader valve core tool is the perfect tool for those that do this on a daily basis. The torque feature is to ensure that you will never over or...

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Please recommend a DO-IT-ALL tool for TPMS

We've used the sensors on GM's, Ford's, Toyota's, pretty much everything except euro stuff so far. I dont see why they would not work though given the tool has the ability to deal with them. You do need the Autel tool to program the Autel sensors. Pretty much most if not all aftermarket sensors are that way, as I understand it.

GM vehicles are easy to relearn and it's fairly simple, the MX808 appears to be a full out scan too,l so that may be the why for the 20$ tool (more handy/portable).

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If you want to learn more, please visit our website TPMS Sensor Tool.