What Are the Advantages of The Difference Between Aftermarket Radiators And OEM Radiators?

24 Jun.,2024


Aluminum vs Stock OEM Radiators: What are the Benefits?

For more The Difference Between Aftermarket Radiators And OEM Radiatorsinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.

A radiator is a key component of a vehicle&#;s cooling system that helps keep the engine cool during combustion. If yours is worn, or if your ride is upgraded with performance parts and your stock radiator can&#;t keep up, you&#;ll need to replace it before the engine starts overheating.

When shopping for a replacement radiator, your choice will come down to an aftermarket aluminum unit or one that&#;s OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer). This decision is important as it can greatly impact your vehicle's performance and efficiency.

Thankfully, this guide covers everything you need to know to confidently choose between the two.

We&#;ll start by further exploring automotive radiators and their different components. Then, we&#;ll compare the benefits of an aluminum radiator vs stock. Finally, we&#;ll explain how to choose which is best for you and your ride. 

Let&#;s get started.

What are Automotive Radiators & Their Components?

Simply put, radiators act as a heat exchanger for your vehicle, transferring heat from the engine&#;s coolant&#;which gets hot as the engine runs&#;to the outside air. This process is important for keeping the engine at an optimal operating temperature.

Digging a little deeper into the process, below are the main components of a modern car radiator:

  • Coolant: Coolant, a blend of water and antifreeze, is key to the radiator's function. It circulates through the engine, absorbing heat, and then through the radiator, where it releases this heat. This fluid is specifically formulated to prevent freezing and boiling while protecting against corrosion.
  • Water Pump: The water pump is responsible for moving the coolant through the engine and radiator. Powered by the engine, it ensures a consistent flow, enabling the coolant to absorb and dissipate heat effectively.
  • Thermostat: The thermostat is a temperature-sensitive valve. It determines when to allow coolant to flow through the radiator. As the engine reaches a certain temperature, the thermostat opens, allowing hot coolant to be cooled in the radiator, and closes when cooling isn't needed.
  • Core: The radiator's core is made up of a series of tubes and fins. These components increase the surface area for heat transfer. As hot coolant flows through the tubes, the surrounding fins help dissipate the heat into the air.
  • Outlet/Inlet Tanks: These tanks are important for managing coolant flow. The inlet tank receives hot coolant from the engine, and the outlet tank sends the cooled coolant back. This design ensures a continuous flow of coolant through the radiator.
  • Pressure Cap: The pressure cap maintains the correct pressure within the radiator. A properly pressurized system increases the efficiency of the cooling process, preventing coolant from boiling over and ensuring the system operates effectively.

Benefits of Stock OEM Radiators

Stock OEM radiators, usually made from a mix of plastic and aluminum, are designed to meet your vehicle&#;s specific requirements. They offer reliability and compatibility, ensuring your car's cooling system operates as the manufacturer intended. 

These radiators are often the go-to choice for standard maintenance and repairs due to their assured quality and fitment:

  • Guaranteed Quality and Fitment: OEM radiators are built to exact factory specifications. This guarantees a perfect fit and optimal function in your vehicle, eliminating concerns about mismatched dimensions or inadequate cooling capacity that can occur with aftermarket products.
  • Possibly Covered by Factory Warranty: Another benefit of choosing an OEM radiator is the potential coverage under the vehicle's factory warranty. This can provide massive savings on repairs or replacements if issues arise, offering a layer of financial protection that aftermarket radiators might not.

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Benefits of Aluminum Radiators

Next up are aftermarket aluminum radiators. These are a popular choice for performance enthusiasts or drivers seeking upgrades from the standard OEM units. 

Their construction offers a blend of enhanced performance benefits, making them a desirable option for various applications:

  • Improved Quality/Construction: Aftermarket aluminum radiators boast 100% aluminum construction, unlike OEM units that often use a mix of plastic and aluminum. This all-aluminum build enhances durability and heat dissipation efficiency. The material's resistance to corrosion also contributes to a longer lifespan and better overall performance.
  • Extra Fin Rows: Aluminum radiators often feature extra rows of fins, which increase the surface area available for heat exchange. This design leads to more effective cooling, especially under high-performance or heavy-load conditions. This makes them ideal for tuned or modified vehicles that generate more heat.
  • Less Weight: Radiators made of all-aluminum are often notably lighter than their OEM alternatives. This reduction in weight can contribute to overall vehicle efficiency, including better fuel economy and improved handling, making them a preferred choice for performance tuning and racing applications.

Learn more about aluminum radiators in our detailed pros and cons guide.

Aluminum vs OEM: How to Choose Between the Two

When deciding between an aluminum radiator vs stock, consider your vehicle's requirements and your driving habits. 

OEM radiators are ideal for standard daily drivers. They guarantee compatibility with your vehicle, offering a reliable, hassle-free solution. If your ride is still under warranty, an OEM radiator is a sensible choice, as it may be covered by the manufacturer's warranty, providing financial protection against defects or failures.

As for aluminum radiators, these shine in performance and durability. They are perfect for vehicles that undergo heavy use, such as in racing or towing. The all-aluminum construction offers better heat dissipation, a key factor for engines that run hotter due to performance modifications.

If you prioritize performance and are willing to invest in a high-quality cooling solution, an aluminum radiator is a solid choice.

Your budget is another consideration. OEM radiators may be more cost-effective initially, but aluminum radiators can offer better long-term value due to their durability and efficiency. 

Ultimately, the choice depends on balancing cost, performance needs, and compatibility requirements. Whether it's the assured fit and function of an OEM radiator or the enhanced performance of an aluminum one, your decision should align with your vehicle's needs and your personal preferences.

JEGS: For All Your Automotive Needs

Thanks for checking out our in-depth car radiator guide. You should now be fully equipped to choose the best option for your specific vehicle. 

For all your automotive needs, consider JEGS, a leading supplier of performance auto parts, including both aftermarket aluminum and OEM radiators. Browse our massive selection online and have your order sent straight to your door.

Still have questions? Contact our team today.

Consider Buying An Aftermarket Radiator If You Don't Want ...

Consider Buying An Aftermarket Radiator If You Don't Want To Spend A Lot.

A vehicle's radiator is as vital to the vehicle's performance as the lungs are to the human body. One must never neglect a low performing or malfunctioning radiator. A simple inattention may cause your vehicle to stop at a time you would not have wished for.  

It is imperative to replace anything that breaks as soon as possible, and when it comes to your mode of conveyance, there should not be a delay. However, it will become apparent to you when you begin the process of replacing such parts. 

The automotive industry offers multiple options, and that can be pretty overwhelming. However, the best and most reliable radiators are divided in to two main categories: OEM and Aftermarket Radiators.  

I Wish to Save Money, but Not Compromise on Quality. What to Do?


There are multiple factors to consider when upgrading your vehicle&#;s radiator. An accident is always uncalled for and can arrive at any moment. What if it does at the end of the month when you have already spent way ahead of your budget? What if it does during a time where you had to pay plenty of bills. 

You surely will go out and seek an option that is easy on the pocket. However, would it be wise to compromise on the quality? Definitely not. Aftermarket radiators are a perfect fit for such scenarios.  

OEM refers to original equipment manufacturer, which means that the parts are only intended for one specific manufacturer. Contrary to OEM parts, aftermarket parts offer a more cost-effective alternative. These parts are manufactured in large quantities and follow OEM specifications. 

Why Buy Aftermarket Radiators?


An aftermarket radiator is customized based on the existing radiator available for the vehicle. Aftermarket radiators typically cost less than OEM radiators. What makes aftermarket radiators an ideal choice is their durability and quality at an affordable price.  

There is minor to no difference between the specifications of an IAM (independent aftermarket) part and those of an OEM part. When you compare an OEM radiator to an aftermarket radiator, you may also end up with a better deal in the aftermarket. 

Several knockoff brands compromise on safety and produce low-quality aftermarket radiators, while reputable suppliers offer high-quality aftermarket radiators at low prices. 

All things considered, do not confuse aftermarket radiators with used radiators. Aftermarket radiators are brand new and durable. Thus, they make a perfect choice when it comes to radiator upgrade at economical prices.  

Dolphin Catalogue has been supplying top-notch aftermarket radiators in the market since . It is essential to speak to the experts before you engage yourself into impulsive buying, thus, dial +971 6 and speak to our cordial team. We will guide you into buying the right aftermarket radiator for your vehicle.  

Aftermarket vs OEM Radiator


Aftermarket Radiators


Known as independent aftermarket radiators, IAMs are radiators that are not manufactured by the vehicle's manufacturer. An aftermarket part is manufactured by another company 

The specifications of aftermarket radiators are typically the same as those of OEM radiators. 

Furthermore, aftermarket parts are widely available. When shopping for a replacement car part, most people are looking for a combination of quality and affordability. With the aftermarket now becoming one of the leading competitors for OEMs, it is clear that it is gaining a foothold in the industry. 

Advantages Aftermarket Radiators


  1. In general, these parts cost less and save you a lot of money.


  2. There are more options, so the price range is wider, and the functionality is more advanced.


  3. It can be easily installed by a mechanic or by you.


  4. Aftermarket radiators are now covered by a 1-year warranty from a number of large manufacturers, including Dolphin.


Disadvantages of Aftermarket Radiators


  1. Having so many choices may overwhelm you.


  2. There may be no warranty on some aftermarket radiators. Doing tedious research will become more difficult as a result.


    Want more information on what is the radiator in a car? Feel free to contact us.

OEM Radiators


An OEM part is made by the original equipment manufacturer of your vehicle. Thus, your OEM radiator will be identical to your current radiator.  

Advantages of OEM Radiators


  1. These radiators are manufactured and designed by the same brand as your car's. Thus, they have the same quality as the radiator that was present in your car at the time of purchase. 


  2. Radiators that fail within the warranty period are covered by the manufacturer.


Disadvantages OEM Radiators


  1. It costs 60% more to buy these parts than aftermarket ones!


  2. The availability of parts like these is limited because they are sold by automakers or select suppliers. 



How Long do Aftermarket Radiators Last?


Engines with more power produce more heat, so an upgraded radiator is required to handle the increased heat output. The life expectancy of an aftermarket radiator should be at least three years, and as long as eight to ten years if it is properly maintained. 

How to Choose the Right Aftermarket Radiator?


We have listed various kinds of aftermarket radiators in order to help you choose the right one. You can then compare, differentiate, and choose based on this information.   

Crossflow and Downflow


In a crossflow radiator, coolants are passed through cooling tubes and fins, which are enclosed by vertical tanks. Coolant is forced horizontally across the core by your water pump. 

In a downflow radiator, two horizontal tanks are located at the top and bottom. Coolant enters through the top of the radiator and travels vertically through the core before leaving through the bottom. 

Water pumps move coolant through radiators more quickly since coolant flows from top to bottom. 

Conclusion:&#;Because crossflow moves coolant more quickly, it is typically more efficient in terms of design.&#;The retention time of coolant in crossflow radiators allows the heat to be dissipated more effectively. The heat dissipation capability of crossflow radiators and their (typically) greater surface areas make them ideal for engines with high performance output. 

Copper vs Aluminium 


Older vehicles had copper-brass radiators. Heat is effectively transferred with copper-brass radiators. 

How does aluminium fit into this picture? 

In comparison to aluminium, copper-brass conducts heat well but is relatively weak. In order to prevent copper-brass tubes from ballooning or bursting under pressure, they need to be kept small in diameter. The cooling capacity of the system is a major concern. 

Conclusion:&#;Aluminium tubes can have wider diameters than copper-brass tubes due to aluminium being stronger. Heat exchange increases the radiator's cooling capacity as a result of increased exposure to heat. High-performance and competition engines often choose aluminium radiators because of their low weight. 


Row Quantity vs. Tube Size


A radiator transports coolant through several rows of tubes and fins. As aluminium is stronger than copper-brass, its diameter can be increased without increasing the thickness of the tube walls (unlike copper tubes). Thus, two-row aluminium radiators with one-inch tubes dissipate heat nearly as effectively as five-row copper-brass radiators. 

Conclusion: Most high-performance radiator manufacturers have abandoned the concept that more rows are better. The size of the cooling tubes and the thickness of the radiator core have become crucial factors when comparing aluminium radiators. Unlike the smaller radiator, the larger radiator has a thicker core, which is the only difference between the two. 

Here are some additional points to consider


  • You can keep in mind some additional points when choosing an aftermarket radiator after learning about different types and which one is better than the other.


  • If you want to replace a radiator without making any modifications to your vehicle, you should consider an aftermarket radiator. It is also easy to install, requires no modifications, and provides adequate cooling for engine engines.


  • You will see a significant difference when you upgrade to an aluminium core radiator for classic cars. In spite of their similar size, they provide better cooling and are lighter. Adding rows or buying a larger radiator can improve cooling power in vehicles manufactured after .


  • An aftermarket radiator helps speed up the cooling process of your vehicle by distributing more coolant over a larger surface area.


Does the radiator need to be replaced at a specific time?


The lifespan of a radiator is typically 8-10 years if it is properly maintained. In most cases, people only need a replacement radiator if theirs has been damaged or if a more powerful one is needed. 

In spite of this, one should not wait until the radiator in their vehicle has been damaged beyond repair before they replace it. Radiators should be checked or replaced if these problems occur: 

  1. Trouble in Pressure


    As a result of a failed radiator cap, you may suffer from too much or too little pressure in your radiator. Both cases lead to engine overheating. In this case, you should replace your radiator cap. Pressure problems can cause leaks, and leaks can cause pressure problems. Shops can test the radiator's pressure.


  2. Leaks


    It is never a wise idea to ignore coolant leaks. Antifreeze poisoning has proven to be toxic to several households. It is not necessary to replace your radiator if you see a leak. It is important to check your hoses if you notice a leak, but leaks can occur anywhere in the system.


  3. &#;

    Rust and Corrosion


    It's also a good idea to check your engine for rusty radiators or debris clogging them. The radiator will need to be flushed or replaced in this case.




The myth has been busted that the aftermarket radiators are used or &#;second-hand&#;. One should definitely consider buying one when planning an upgrade. They are not only cost efficient but also possess quality and durability.  

As yet, if you still have queries, get in touch with the best aftermarket radiator suppliers, Dolphin Catalogue today! Write to us on or ring us up on +971 6  

Happy Driving! 

For more information, please visit Is It Safe To Drive With A Bad Radiator.