Key Questions to Ask When Ordering car key case manufacturers

06 May.,2024


Common Questions About Replacement Car Keys

Replacement car key options can differ depending on the model of car that you have, as there are many different types of car keys. Today, we are back to address the most common questions we receive in regard to making replacement car keys.

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Why Can't a Supermarket Make a Copy of My Car Key?

Car keys are very different than your average house key. Car keys require a special key cutting machine that ensures your key works perfectly in your car. Most cars made from 1998 to the present also require the key to be programmed in order to start the car. Your local supermarket or hardware store does not have updated or required equipment to cut most car keys, or to program car keys.

There are a few older models of cars whose keys can technically be copied by an average machine at an average hardware store. However, for these keys, you would need the original key to copy and you also run the risk of the cut not being deep or clean enough, causing your key to not work.

Our locksmiths in Portland OR, locksmiths in Salem OR and locksmiths in Vancouver WA have the knowledge and equipment to cut a car key from scratch that will work perfectly with your car.

I don't have my original car key, can you still make a replacement car key?

If you’ve lost your original car key, our Portland locksmiths do not need the original key to make a replacement. Auto locksmiths use your car’s vehicle identification number, or VIN, to gain the required information needed to make a new key. In some makes and models of cars, we can read the code needed to make a new key from the lock on your door, trunk or even your ignition.

Do I have to replace my ignition if I lost my car key?

The short answer to this question is no - you don’t always need to replace the ignition if you have lost your only key. Especially in newer cars, replacing the ignition when you lose your car key is not necessary. However, most cars made around 1985 and earlier do require a new ignition because key codes are simply not available therefore a locksmith technician doesn’t know how the key needs to be cut.

Other situations where an ignition replacement would be necessary is if your ignition is damaged or if your ignition has previously been replaced. If you have a key that unlocks your car door and a separate key that starts your car, your ignition was most likely previously replaced.

If you’re still not sure whether an ignition replacement is needed in order for you to get a replacement key, our locksmiths in Salem OR, Portland locksmiths and Vancouver locksmiths in Vancouver WA can help answer any questions you may have.

I have a transponder key, do I have to go to the dealership to program that?

At 24 Hour Lock and Key, our locksmith technicians have the tools and skills needed to program virtually any year, make and model of car key at a more affordable price than the dealership.

A trip to the dealership is only needed for very specific makes and models of cars. A small number of car manufacturers do not allow third-parties, such as locksmiths, access to certain information, including programming software for keys. This is not common with the majority of cars on the road in Oregon and Southern Washington, so it’s not necessary to always over-pay at the dealership in order to program your car key.

My neighbor said he programmed his own car key, can I do that too?

Some transponder keys can be programmed by performing a series of actions that put the car into “learn mode” to accept a new key. This is called onboard programming, but can only be done with a select group of vehicles.

Even on cars that accept this type of programming, onboard programming procedures are timed, can be very difficult to get right and most of the time you need a current working key.

When our locksmiths in Portland OR, locksmiths in Salem OR and locksmiths in Vancouver, WA program your key, we use updated technology and equipment to make sure your new key works just like the original.

I don't understand the difference between FOBs, remotes and transponder keys. Are they the same thing?

There are many styles of car keys, especially with the evolution of automotive technology. Most cars manufactured before the year 1998 use good old-fashioned regular silver keys. Regular car keys do not need to be programmed.

A transponder key, also called a chip key, looks like a normal key with a black or rubber head. Transponder keys are inserted normally into the ignition and need to be programmed to the car's computer in order to start it.

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Remote keys have a large head with buttons to lock and unlock your car doors and sometimes trunk. There are also stand-alone remotes, separate from the car key, that have the same button functions. Both remote keys and remotes require programming in order to work with your vehicle.

Fobiks are keys that have a flat end that resembles a USB drive. Fobiks are used for keyless entry into your car and start your engine by inserting the flat end into a small slot on the dashboard. Fobiks are programmed to your vehicle in order to work properly.

A key FOB is also known as a proximity key. FOBs are used with push-to-start vehicles that allow for keyless entry and starting the ignition when in an appropriate range. Proximity FOB’s generally come with a small emergency key that can be cut and programmed in case your FOB stops working. FOBs also need to be programmed in order to work with your car.

Our professional auto locksmiths in Portland handle all these types of keys for almost every year, make and model of car.

About 24 Hour Lock and Key

Check out our post on Top 5 Reasons to Call an Automotive Locksmith for more information on our automotive locksmith services.

Seven (7) Questions Car Sales Reps Should Be Asking ...

2) What do you like about it and why did you initially purchase that model?


This question gives you further background into the customer mindset. Some customers are emotional/impulsive buyers, while others are more practical buyers.


The practical buyers normally come from those who have the role of travelling officers or are making a purchase on behalf of a company. We will get into the B2B side of things in part two of this article.


3) How long have you had it?


This is a time gauge question which gives you the ability to assess how soon the prospect will be looking at changing. Most financial institutions run their vehicular loans for a period of five (5) years.


However, within the last three (3) years the increase in foreign exchange and motor vehicle taxes (MVT) the list prices of vehicles have increased considerably pushing the loan term to seven (7) years.


Based on the customer's response to this question, you will know if they are closer to the end of the five or seven-year term. This helps with the assumption they are actually in the market and have started the process of looking.


4) What do you like most & least about your current vehicle?


Here is where you start digging a little deeper into their likes or dislikes. As technology, specs, features, bells & whistles change so has the customers. Some customers may give you a snapshot as to what is important to them now especially if anything changed their lives over the last five (5) years.


5) Why are you looking?


Based on how well you've been listening you may not even have to ask this question as you may have already discovered the reason. Asking the question is good for validation and there are many different reasons why people purchase vehicles. Here are just a few;


  • New job with/without car package

  • A new addition to the family

  • The family got smaller (bigger car no longer needed)

  • Son/daughter is a new driver

  • Was previously in an accident, the vehicle is written off/totalled

  • The customer is road safety conscious

  • Change in job/personal activity (e.g. picked up off-roading on the weekend)

  • The warranty is almost up

  • Problems with the previous dealership, so looking for a new vendor

  • Something with a lower monthly instalment

  • Better overall total cost of ownership (TCO)


These questions trigger responses that will give you a lot of leverage on how to position your sale. The key to picking up on this is being an active listener and proficient in asking more questions when you don't get the answer you may be looking for.



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6) What's most important to you?

This is where you are basically asking the customer to shortlist all the things they like about a certain vehicle into one or two specific features. This gives you the ability to zone in on what will push them to the closing stage once those specific criteria are met.


If the customer says reliability, then you get the opportunity to speak on how reliable your recommendation is and its value to their reason for purchasing. Keep in mind that some customers may choose the credibility of the dealership and how they do business. So in this instance, there is no need to talk about the car but about your after-sales service.


7) The Recap Question:

Selling is about discovery, even if the customer walks into the showroom and expresses an interest in one of your vehicles, it's your responsibility to make sure they are looking at this for all the right reasons.

You don't want to try to close a deal on a sedan when they really need a SUV. That's a misaligned sales approach to the customer and the potential for you to lose the deal for the sales rep.


Take the time to ask these questions, make up some more questions on your own, practice asking with your sales managers, team lead or teammates so that you get better at it and give the customer an exceptional consultative experience.



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