How to use buckle shoelaces?

29 Apr.,2024


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VICT POPU Smart Laces Buckle Shoe Laces Lock Metal ...

This product does not work . The design is not possible to hold the two ends of the shoes laces together. The video installation is incomplete it never showed you how to insert two end of the shoe laces and screwed them together. The laces came right out after crewing the metal together. The video only showed the incomplete process. afterward . I now knew why they never want to show it. I inspected the design. It 's impossible that you insert (half of an inch of each end) the laces) and can hold it in place strong enough. I tried and tried with no success.
I returned the next day.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website dial shoe laces.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit speed lace system.