How Does safety industrial helmet Work?

13 May.,2024


Protective helmets – requirements and selection - OSHwiki


In many industrial working environments, for example, mining, power, construction, and forestry, the risk of head injury to workers is constantly present. The most serious risks are physical injuries, which can be as a result of the impact of a falling object or collision with fixed objects at the workplace. Due to the nature of these work activities, it is not always possible to eliminate such risks with just appropriate organisational solutions or collective protective equipment. Therefore, the only way to ensure the safety of workers is by using safety helmets. The type of helmet will depend on the specific nature of the physical risks that have been identified in the risk assessment undertaken for the activity. This article provides information for users of protective helmets as well as employers and OSH engineers. It includes information on definitions and gives the requirements for different kind of protective helmets that offer protection against physical risks.

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Basic information

Personal protective equipment (PPE) means all equipment which is intended to be worn or held by people at work and which protects them against one or more risks to their health and safety, and any addition or accessory designed to meet that objective. All PPE should be used as a last resort to reduce the risk taking into consideration that the risk will not be eliminated.

Safety helmets are one of the most frequently used forms of PPE. Safety helmets will protect the user’s head against:

  • impact from objects falling from above, by resisting and deflecting blows to the head.
  • hitting fixed dangerous objects at the workplace,
  • lateral forces - depending on the type of hard hat selected. Traditional hard hats are not designed to protect users from impacts to the front, side or back of the head.
  • open flame, molten metals splash, electric shock, high temperature – depending on the additional protective properties of the hard hat selected, e.g. a basic, standard safety helmet does not protect against an electric shock.

In general, protective helmets, or hard hats, should:

  • Resist penetration by objects,
  • Absorb the shock of a blow,
  • Be water resistant and slow burning, and
  • Come with instructions explaining proper adjustment and replacement of the suspension and headband.

All employees working in areas where there is a possible danger of head injury from impact, or from falling or flying objects, or from electrical shock and burns, shall be protected by protective helmets. Safety helmets must be worn when performing most construction works, works in the vicinity of lifting equipment (cranes, hoists, etc.) and suspended loads, works in forestry, works in cisterns, wells, shafts, tunnels, etc. In these situations the use of a safety helmet will help protect against injuries to the scalp, skull and cervical vertebrae.

It is the responsibility of the employer to conduct a risk assessment and determine the need for head protection at the workplace.

In some situations the safety helmets serves as a base for other kinds of PPE i.e .will be used together with other PPE, e.g. hearing protection, face visors or respiratory protection equipment. In these situations it is important that the suitability and the compatibility of the different PPE are considered.

Figure 1 shows the construction and the individual components of an industrial safety helmet.

All safety helmets should come with instructions on how to correctly adjust and adapt the helmet for each individual user’s needs. It is therefore important that before using the safety helmet, the user should read and become familiar with these safety instructions.

When adjusting and positioning a safety helmet on the head, the user must ensure that the:

  • harness straps crossing the top of the helmet adhere closely to the head,
  • headband which runs around the head strictly adhere to the forehead and nape of the neck,
  • safety helmet is securely mounted on the head i.e. the helmet must be positioned on the head and should be limited by the minimum amount of clearance between the hard shell and the skull. This will give a low center of gravity and provide exceptional balance.
  • helmet should be adjusted in a manner that even without the use of a chin strap it will stay on the head without falling.

Labelling of helmets and safety requirements

EU legislation distinguishes between two areas of regulations regarding personal protective equipment. The first is discussed in Directive 89/656/EEC [1], which determines the obligations of the employer regarding ensuring safe use of personal protective equipment. The provisions of this Directive also include employers’ obligations connected with the necessity to use personal protective equipment. Safety helmets should be appropriately selected by the employer, based on a risk analysis, and delivered to the employees free of charge. The employer is also responsible for the maintenance of safety helmets and their replacement, in particular if the used items have reduced protective properties.

The second area of regulations with regards to personal protective equipment is connected with Regulation 2016/425/EU [2] . It concerns the rules of placing the products on the common market, i.e. the assessment of conformity with essential health, safety and ergonomics requirements (EHSRs). Therefore, hard hats, should meet the requirements of the Regulation referred to above. It follows from these requirements that the manufacturer of hard hats — or their authorised representative — is responsible for the conformity of the products placed on the EU market with the essential requirements specified in the Regulation, which is confirmed by placing a CE mark on the product.

The minimum information that should be included with the helmets is:

  • European standard number
  • name or a logo of the manufacturer
  • production year and quarter
  • type of helmet
  • size.

A helmet which offers additional protective features may also have a label on the shell with information regarding:

  • electric insulation properties,
  • resistance to lateral forces,
  • resistance to molten metal splashes,
  • resistance to very high temperatures,
  • resistance to very low temperatures.

Operating manual / Safety Instructions Under Regulation 2016/425/EU the manufacturer is required to provide safety information regarding the hard hat in their technical file. All safety helmets should come with an operating manual / safety instructions which should cover all relevant information such as: safety features, adjustment methods, how to fit it properly onto the user’s head, maintenance, storage and repairs / replacement. These instructions should be clear and comprehensible.

Types of helmets

Industrial safety helmets

According to EN 397 [3], the most common and basic form of PPE aimed at protecting an employee’s head is an industrial safety helmet. Regardless of the differences in their structural protection, these type of helmets will feature the following components: shell, harness and headband.

Figure 1: Construction of an industrial safety helmet. 1 – shell, 2 – harness, 3 – harness fixing, 4 – headband, 5 – sweatband, 6 – peak, 7 – chinstrap.
Source: CIOP-PIB

The helmet’s shell is the rigid outer section of the helmet, and is usually made from polyethylene, ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene – a thermoplastic) or fibreglass hardened with polyester resins The basic function of the shell is to provide protection by reducing the force of a falling object striking or impacting on the users head. Depending on its design, the shell can have a peak, a brim or a rain gutter, ventilation openings, or attachment devices for eye and face protection and ear protectors.

The harness is the internal part of the helmet (fastened to the inside of the shell) consisting of a system of strips made of woven bands or polyethylene. The main purpose of the harness is to absorb the energy from an impact on the shell and to spread the force evenly over the wearer’s head, minimising the risk of harm to the user. It should be noted that a helmet, with the harness closely attached to the rim of the shell and without any additional protective padding, will not provide effective protection against any lateral impacts [4], [5], [6], [7]. However, helmets with shells of sufficient rigidity [3] will also provide partial protection of the user’s head against any lateral forces.

The shell and harness have been designed to work together in the helmet as a unit when fitted the correct way round i.e. the peak facing forward. The harness should not be removed and refitted so that the helmet can be worn backwards because the helmet has not been designed to absorb impact when worn in this way.

The headband is the part that contours the head at the height of the forehead and the base of the skull and, together with the harness, allows for the stable positioning of the helmet on the user’s head. The headband is equipped with two adjustment mechanisms for changing its length and the wearing height, and this increases its stability when positioned on the head. Most industrial protective helmets will have a sweatband incorporated in the headband which acts as a sweat-absorbing pad.

Industrial safety helmets can also have additional equipment which does not need to be included, such as a chinstrap that is designed to keep the helmet in place and prevents it from falling when workers move their heads or they might include grips for attaching other personal protective equipment elements, e.g. eye and face protection.

Industrial bump caps

Industrial bump caps (standard EN 812) [8] should only be used in workplaces where the risk assessment has identified no hazards from objects falling from above and only a danger of superficial head injuries caused by light impact against structural elements. In these cases an industrial safety helmet [3] would not be required.

By wearing an industrial bump cap, workers can avoid the following discomforts:

  • the pressure being exerted by the harness and the headband on the users head.
  • the additional weight on the neck muscles from the helmet mass bump caps are lighter than industrial safety helmets.
  • the lack of ventilation on the upper part of the head. This is especially bothersome whilst doing hard physical work and or when working at high temperatures in the workplace.

The most important elements of an industrial bump cap in comparison with designs that comply with the specifications in EN 397 [3] is their lower mass and their smaller dimensions. Figure 2 shows an example of an industrial bump cap.

Figure 2: Construction of an industrial bump caps. 1 - internal shell, 2 - nape band, 3 - protective padding
Source: CIOP-PIB

Bump caps consists of a thin polyethylene shell, a harness and a headband which is made of plastic by an injection method. Bump caps can also be made of textile materials (making them approximately 50% lighter than helmets complying with EN 397) and equipped with a special protective padding.

High performance industrial safety helmets

There are industrial workplaces where the risks of head injuries are so high that industrial safety helmets compliant with the EN 397 [3] are not sufficient to provide a suitable degree of protection. Examples of industry sectors where such workplaces exist include mining and construction. In such cases, the risk assessment undertaken would have identified that employees must be equipped with high performance industrial safety helmets i.e. helmets that comply with EN 14052 [9]. Compared to the helmets compliant with the EN 397 [3], these helmets are characterized by the following properties:

  • they provide the same level of shock absorption (i.e. force transmitted to the user’s head) when exposed to an impact with a double energy (the impact energy during the testing of high performance industrial safety helmets (EN 14052) is approximately twice the amount used for industrial helmets (EN397)).
  • they protect the head against vertical impacts (on the highest point on the shell) and against lateral impacts (from the front, back and sides).
  • they ensure an increased level of protection against the impact of sharp objects.

High performance industrial safety helmets also consist of a shell, harness and a headband. The most popular method of enhancing the helmets shock absorption properties and provide protection against lateral impact, is by the introduction of protective padding that absorbs the energy from the impact and therefore reduces the forces transmitted onto the user’s head. This padding is usually made of foams with adequate force-deformation ratio properties, e.g. polyurethane or high-density polystyrene. An example of such a design is shown in figure 3.

Figure 3: Construction of a high performance industrial safety helmet. 1 – shell, 2 – harness, 3 – headband, 4 – sweatband, 5 – chinstrap, 6 – protective padding
Source: CIOP-PIB

The design of these types of helmets includes a more stable method of fitting onto the user’s head in order to prevent it from falling during an impact, especially lateral ones. This additional stability is reflected in the construction of the headband, the chinstrap and the system of supporting the helmet. Better resistance to penetration is achieved by using shells made of thicker or harder materials. However, achieving this additional protection results in an increase in mass of the helmet and therefore an additional load on the user.

Requirements and selection

To provide the users head with a suitable level of protection against physical factors, the helmet must be properly selected, fitted and used.

Selecting a helmet to suite the user and situation

The term “selected" refers to the employer undertaking a comprehensive risk assessment to establish the need for head protection within the area and to determine its suitability. It is important to note that all PPE should be used as a last resort and only after implementing other controls. With regard head protection the employer will have a choice of three different types of head protection i.e. industrial bump caps, industrial safety and high performance industrial safety helmets.

According to the above-mentioned standards EN 397, and EN 14052 safety helmets must comply with a series of requirements, which relate to the following issues:

  • materials used for the production of shells and interior equipment
  • geometric structural parameters
  • shock absorption
  • resistance to penetration
  • resistance to flame.

Special purpose helmets have to comply with additional requirements regarding:

  • breaking strength of the attachment points of the chinstrap
  • dielectric properties
  • resistance to lateral forces
  • resistance to molten metal splash
  • resistance to high temperatures.

In order to provide proper protection of the user’s head against mechanical impact, safety helmets must be suitably selected from different types and constructions. When making a decision on the selection of a particular helmet, the employer must choose taking into consideration the following factors:

  • The characteristics of the risk factors identified in the risk assessment and for which protection is needed (e.g. vertical impact, lateral impacts, transverse compression forces, etc.)
  • Operating temperature range.

The helmet shall maintain its safety parameters in the entire range of temperatures occurring at a workplace. There are four categories of helmets classified according to this feature:

  • basic (operating temperature range from -10°C to +50°C - no special marking of the helmet)
  • for low temperature applications (operating temperature range from -20°C - labelling on the helmet -20°C)
  • for very low temperature applications (operating temperature range from -30°C – labelling on the helmet -30°C)
  • for very high temperature applications (operating temperature range to +150°C – labelling on the helmet +150°C)
  • Must suit the user – consider the size, fit and weight of the helmet. Adjustment range of the main ring and the wearing height of the helmet must be appropriate for user’s head size. If the users help to choose their head protection, they will be more likely to use it.
  • Adjustment means conducting proper fitting, i.e. adjusting the perimeter of the main ring, the height of wearing, and the length of the chinstrap in order to adapt the helmet to the size of the user’s head.
  • Presence of other hazards (e.g. electric shock, high temperature):
    • at workplaces where there is an electric shock hazard, helmets with dielectric strength shall be used – labelling on the helmet: 440V AC.
    • at workplaces where worker is exposed to the impact of melted metal fragments, helmets resistant to such impact shall be used – labelling on the helmet: MM.
    • at workplaces where there is a risk of lateral deformation of the head, helmets resistant to this type of hazard shall be used – labelling on the helmet LD.
    • at workplaces where intense physical effort is required at high ambient temperature, causing excessive sweating, a helmet with good ventilation should be chosen, e.g. equipped with ventilation openings and a sweat absorber.
    • at workplaces threatened with explosion hazard, helmets with anti-electrostatic properties shall be used.

Performing tasks that can cause the helmet to fall down from the head (e.g. using it together with personal protective equipment for the protection of falls from a height

  • If the tasks performed at a workplace may cause the helmet to fall down from the worker’s head, for example due to the position that he must adopt during work, then a helmet should be selected with a construction that will prevents this, i.e. with a specially formed headband to precisely fit the back of one’s head or with a chinstrap.
  • A requirement to use other elements of personal protective equipment and additional accessories (e.g. eye and face protection, ear protectors, a lamp installed above the peak, etc.) together with the helmet. It is important to make sure that if more than one item of PPE is being worn that they can be used together.

Proper use of the Safety helmets

Proper use means following the rules and instructions specified by the manufacturer in the operating manual e.g. conditions and ways of using the product, recommended methods of maintenance and storage as well as the conditions for qualifying a helmet for withdrawal from service.

The most important rules of proper use of safety helmets include:

  • Prior to using, a helmet must be fitted to the user’s head by proper adjustment: of the headband, height of wearing and the length of the chinstrap (if it is present).
  • Helmet must be withdrawn from service if it was exposed to a strong impact or shows signs of damage.
  • Interior elements of a safety helmet must be regularly inspected (harness, headband, sweatband) as they are exposed to sweat, dust, etc. These factors cause an accelerated degradation of the materials of which the helmet components are made. Parts inside the helmet shall be replaced as often as required by the manufacturer and every time any damage is detected during inspection. In the case of doubts, interior elements shall be replaced or the entire helmet substituted by a new one.
  • Helmet should be withdrawn from service if its expiry date, specified by the manufacturer in the operating manual, has passed.
  • Helmet shall be stored in compliance with the conditions specified by the manufacturer, which pose no threat of losing its safety parameters (far from heat sources, direct solar radiation, etc.).
  • The construction of the helmet must not be modified by users, no stickers shall be attached to the shell nor shall it be painted, etc.
  • The maintenance of the helmet shall be conducted using methods recommended by the manufacturer. Usually helmets can be cleaned with mild detergents and warm water (not hotter than 45°C).


Statistical data regarding occupational accidents show that the most common cause of head injuries are impacts from falling objects and impact against sharp and hard items. The consequences of such an occurrence depend principally on the kinetic energy of the impact and the shape and hardness of the material coming into contact with the head. Injuries caused by mechanical factors may affect skin on the head, skull, brain and neck segments of the spinal cord. In extreme cases, these injuries may lead to permanent disability or even a person’s death.

All the tasks related to the selection, maintenance, training in safe use, conducting inspections and running a register of safety helmets is the responsibility of the employer.

When it follows from a risk assessment the user must wear a safety helmet from the very beginning of his work and for the entire duration of the shift and is responsible for using head protection equipment in accordance with its purpose. He shall also notify the employer or a suitable occupational health and safety representative of any defects of this equipment.

However, one must remember that the use of helmets does not eliminate dangerous factors but only reduces the gravity of their consequences.

Safety Helmets - Understanding the Purpose and ...

Safety Helmets - The Importance of this essential equipment

Safety helmets are essential personal protective equipment (PPE) designed to protect the head from injuries caused by falling objects, collisions, and other workplace hazards. In industries such as construction, mining, and manufacturing where workers are exposed to potential head injuries, wearing a safety helmet is not only crucial but also mandatory.

Apart from protecting the head, safety helmets also come with additional features that enhance comfort and visibility. For instance, chin straps help keep the helmet secure on the head, while ventilation systems help regulate temperature inside the helmet. Visors also provide protection against glare or flying debris.

It's important to note that not all safety helmets are created equal. Different types of helmets are designed for specific purposes depending on the work environment and type of hazard present. For example, a hard hat is suitable for construction sites while a welding helmet is ideal for welders working with high-intensity light.

Types of Safety Helmets: Choosing the Right One for Your Industry or Activity

Industrial safety helmets are an essential part of personal protective equipment (PPE) for workers in hazardous work environments. However, not all industrial safety helmets are created equal. There are different types of industrial safety helmets available, each designed for specific industries or activities such as construction, mining, and welding.

Choosing the right type of safety helmet is crucial to ensure maximum protection and comfort for the worker. In this section, we will discuss the different types of industrial safety helmets available in the market and how to choose the right one for your industry or activity.

Types of Industrial Safety Helmets

  1. Electrical Insulating Helmets - These helmets provide electrical insulation protection against electric shocks up to 20kV AC or 30kV DC. They are commonly used in industries where workers may be exposed to electrical hazards such as power generation plants and electrical utilities.
  2. High-temperature Resistant Helmets - These helmets provide heat resistance up to 150°C or higher temperatures depending on the material used in their construction. They are commonly used in industries where workers may be exposed to high-temperature environments such as foundries and steel mills.
  3. Welding Helmets - These helmets provide eye and face protection against ultraviolet (UV) light radiation emitted during welding operations. They also protect against flying sparks and debris generated during welding processes.

Choosing the Right Type of Safety Helmet

Firstly, the material of the safety helmet is crucial to ensure maximum protection. The most common materials used for safety helmets are high-density polyethene (HDPE), polycarbonate (PC), and thermoplastic (ABS). 

HDPE helmets are lightweight and inexpensive, making them a popular choice for construction workers. PC helmets offer superior impact resistance and are ideal for activities that involve falling objects. 

Thermoplastic helmets are durable and can withstand high temperatures, making them suitable for industries that involve welding or firefighting. Secondly, the type of suspension system in the helmet is important for comfort and stability. 

There are two main types of suspension systems: pin-lock and ratchet. Pin-lock systems are easy to adjust but may not provide a secure fit. Ratchet systems, on the other hand, offer a more precise fit and are ideal for workers who wear helmets for extended periods. 

Thirdly, the design of the helmet should be considered. Some helmets have a full brim that offers additional protection from the sun and rain, while others have a short brim that provides better upward visibility. Some helmets also have built-in accessories such as ear defenders and face shields.

Lastly, it is essential to ensure that the safety helmet meets the required safety standards. The helmet should have a label indicating that it meets the standards for impact and penetration resistance. It is also recommended to replace the helmet every five years or after it has been subjected to a significant impact. By considering these factors, you can choose the right safety helmet for your industry or activity and ensure maximum protection for yourself or your workers.

Standards and Regulations for Safety Helmets: Ensuring Proper Protection

Safety helmets are an essential piece of personal protective equipment (PPE) that is designed to protect the wearer from head injuries caused by falling objects, impact with stationary objects, or electrical hazards. However, not all safety helmets are created equal. To ensure proper protection, safety helmets must meet specific standards and regulations that govern their design, materials, and performance.

British Standard (BS EN 397)

The British Standard (BS EN 397) is a widely recognised standard for industrial safety helmets in the UK and Europe. This standard specifies the requirements for industrial safety helmets used in general industry applications. The BS EN 397 standard requires that safety helmets provide adequate protection against impact from falling objects and penetration from sharp objects.

In addition to impact resistance and penetration resistance, the BS EN 397 standard also sets requirements for lateral rigidity, chin strap anchorage strength, electrical insulation properties, field of vision, and shock absorption capacity. Compliance with these requirements involves rigorous testing and evaluation of the helmet's design, materials, and performance.

Risk Assessment

Employers are responsible for conducting risk assessments to determine the appropriate type of helmet required for their workers based on the hazards present in their workplace. Risk assessment should be conducted by a competent person who has sufficient knowledge about occupational health and safety risks associated with work activities carried out at a workplace.

A risk assessment helps identify potential hazards that may cause injury or harm to workers' health while performing tasks at work sites. Based on these risks identified during risk assessment employers can choose the appropriate type of helmet required for their workers.

For example, a worker who is exposed to the risk of falling objects will require a safety helmet that provides adequate protection against impact from falling objects. Similarly, a worker who is exposed to electrical hazards will require an electrically insulating safety helmet that can protect them from electrical shocks.

How Safety Helmets Protect Your Head from Impact and Other Hazards

Protective helmets are designed to provide head protection against various hazards, including falling objects, impacts, and head injuries. These helmets are essential in workplaces where there is a risk of falling objects or other hazards that can cause head injuries. In this section, we will discuss how safety helmets protect your head from impact and other hazards.

Impact resistance is one of the most critical features of protective helmets. Helmets with impact resistance feature a tough outer shell that can withstand high levels of shock and prevent head injuries. The outer shell is usually made from materials such as polycarbonate, which is known for its high impact resistance.

The inner lining of the helmet also plays a crucial role in protecting the wearer's head from impacts. The liner absorbs the energy generated by an impact and distributes it across the helmet's surface area, reducing the force experienced by the wearer's head.

In addition to impact resistance, protective helmets also offer protection against penetration injuries. Penetration injuries occur when an object pierces through the helmet's outer shell and strikes the wearer's head. To prevent these types of injuries, some helmets come equipped with a layer of puncture-resistant material between the outer shell and inner lining.

Bump caps are another type of protective helmet that offers limited protection against minor impacts and bumps. Unlike hard hats or safety helmets, bump caps do not meet any specific safety standards but are designed to protect workers from minor bumps and scrapes.

While bump caps offer some level of protection against minor impacts, they should not be used in place of safety helmets in hazardous work environments where there is a risk of serious injury. It is essential to choose the right type of helmet for your job site based on the potential hazards present.

Statistics show that wearing a protective helmet can significantly reduce workplace fatalities caused by head injuries. According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), in the UK, falls from height, being struck by a moving object, and contact with moving machinery are among the leading causes of fatal injuries to workers. Many of these accidents can result in severe head injuries or fatalities. Wearing a safety helmet that meets the appropriate standards, such as EN 397, can significantly reduce the risk of head injuries in these scenarios.

Research conducted by various organisations, including HSE, has consistently shown that wearing safety helmets can reduce the severity of head injuries and decrease the number of fatalities in the workplace. One study found that wearing a safety helmet reduced the risk of head injury by 69% and the risk of fatal head injury by 65%.

While it's challenging to provide specific numbers or percentages for the UK as a whole, it is evident that wearing safety helmets plays a crucial role in minimising workplace head injuries and fatalities. Employers are responsible for ensuring that their workers are provided with and wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including safety helmets, to reduce the risk of injury in the workplace.

In addition to reducing fatalities, protective helmets can also prevent non-fatal head injuries. These types of injuries can be severe and result in long-term disabilities such as brain damage or paralysis.

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It is essential to ensure that your helmet fits correctly and is adjusted according to the manufacturer's instructions. A poorly fitting helmet can be uncomfortable and may not provide adequate protection in the event of an impact.

The History of Protective Headwear and the Evolution of Safety Helmets

Protective headwear has been used for centuries, with ancient civilisations using leather caps and helmets made of bronze or iron to protect their heads during battles and other dangerous activities. These early forms of protective headwear were designed to shield the wearer's head from blows, projectiles, and falling debris.

The first modern safety helmet was invented in the early 20th century by Edward Bullard. He created a hard hat made of steamed canvas, glue, and black paint. This design was later improved upon with the addition of a suspension system to absorb impact and a chinstrap to keep the helmet securely in place.

Bullard's invention proved to be a game-changer for workers in industries such as construction, mining, and manufacturing. The new safety helmets provided much-needed protection for workers who faced hazards like falling objects, electrical shocks, and impacts from machinery.

Over time, safety helmets have evolved to include a variety of materials and designs. Lightweight plastic shells replaced the heavy metal ones that were once common. Adjustable straps allow for a more customised fit on different head sizes and shapes. Specialised features like ventilation systems help keep workers cool while they work in hot environments.

One key factor that has driven the evolution of safety helmets is our growing understanding of how head injuries occur. Researchers have studied everything from the mechanics of skull fractures to how different types of impacts affect brain function.

This research has led to improvements in helmet design that can better protect against specific types of injuries. For example, some helmets are now designed with thicker padding at the front and sides to protect against frontal impacts or rotational forces that can cause brain damage.

Another area where helmet technology has advanced is in sensors that can detect when an impact occurs. These sensors can alert supervisors or medical personnel if a worker suffers a blow to the head on the job site.

Despite these advances in technology, there are still challenges when it comes to protecting workers' heads on the job. One issue is that not all workers wear helmets when they should. This can be due to a lack of training or awareness about the risks involved in their job.

Another challenge is ensuring that helmets fit properly and are worn correctly. If a helmet is too loose, it may not provide adequate protection in the event of an impact. If it's too tight, it could cause discomfort or even headaches for the wearer.

To address these challenges, some companies have implemented helmet-fitting programs that involve measuring workers' head sizes and providing them with helmets that fit properly. 

Other companies have used incentives like bonuses or prizes to encourage workers to wear their helmets consistently.

Despite these challenges, safety helmets remain an essential piece of protective equipment for many workers around the world. From construction sites to factories to oil rigs, safety helmets help ensure that workers can perform their jobs safely and without fear of injury.

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Safety Helmet for Your Workplace

Hazard assessment: Identifying potential hazards

One of the most important factors to consider is the potential hazards that workers may face. This will help you determine what type of helmet is required to provide adequate protection.

For example, if there is a risk of falling objects, such as tools or debris, it's essential to choose a helmet with a hard shell and impact-resistant materials. This will help prevent head injuries in case of an accident.

Similarly, if there is a risk of electrical shock or burns, it's important to select a helmet made from non-conductive materials. Helmets made from metal or other conductive materials can increase the risk of electrical injury.

In addition to identifying specific hazards in your workplace, it's also important to consider the frequency and severity of these risks. For instance, if workers are frequently exposed to falling objects or debris, it may be necessary to choose a helmet with additional features such as face shields or chin straps for added protection.

Comfort and fit: Ensuring consistent use

Another critical factor when selecting a safety helmet is ensuring that it fits comfortably and securely on each worker's head. If helmets are uncomfortable or don't fit correctly, workers may be less likely to wear them consistently - increasing the risk of injury in case of an accident.

To ensure proper fit and comfort, look for helmets with adjustable straps and padding that can be customised for different head sizes and shapes. It's also essential to choose helmets that are lightweight and well-ventilated - this will help prevent discomfort during extended periods of use.

One way to ensure proper fit is by conducting fitting sessions with each worker before issuing helmets. During these sessions, workers should try on different sizes and styles until they find one that fits comfortably without slipping or sliding around on their head.

Durability and maintenance: Ensuring long-term protection

Finally, when selecting a safety helmet, it's essential to consider its durability and maintenance requirements. Helmets should be inspected regularly for signs of wear and tear and replaced if necessary.

To ensure long-term protection, choose helmets made from durable materials that can withstand exposure to sunlight, heat, and chemicals commonly found in your workplace. It's also important to follow manufacturer guidelines for cleaning and maintenance - this will help prolong the life of each helmet and ensure consistent protection over time.

Common Misconceptions About Safety Helmets and Their Use

Safety helmets are only necessary in high-risk industries

One common misconception is that safety helmets are only necessary in high-risk industries such as construction, mining, and manufacturing. While it is true that these industries have a higher risk of head injuries due to the nature of the work involved, safety helmets are essential in any industry where there is a risk of head injury.

For example, workers in the transportation industry may need to wear safety helmets when working on or around heavy machinery or when working at heights. Similarly, workers in the utility industry may need to wear safety helmets when working near power lines or other electrical hazards.

Safety helmets are uncomfortable to wear

Another misconception is that safety helmets are uncomfortable to wear. While some people may find older designs of safety helmets uncomfortable due to their weight or lack of ventilation, modern designs have improved significantly to ensure they are lightweight, well-ventilated, and comfortable to wear for extended periods.

For example, some newer models feature adjustable straps and padding for a more customised fit. Others have built-in ventilation systems that allow air to circulate around the head and prevent overheating.

Safety helmets are only required on construction sites

Many people believe that safety helmets are only required on construction sites. However, this is not true. Safety helmets may also be required in other industries such as oil and gas exploration and production.

Safety helmets provide complete protection

Another misconception is that safety helmets provide complete protection against all types of head injuries. While safety helmets do provide significant protection against head injuries, they do not offer complete protection against all types of head injuries.

For example, safety helmets may not protect against concussions or other traumatic brain injuries that can result from sudden impacts or violent shaking. Additionally, safety helmets may not protect against certain types of chemical exposure or electrical hazards.

Safety helmets last forever

Many people believe that safety helmets last forever and do not need to be replaced unless they are damaged. However, this is not true. Safety helmets have a limited lifespan and should be replaced after a certain period or if they have been involved in an accident or impact.

The exact lifespan of a safety helmet will depend on several factors such as the material it is made from, how often it is used, and the conditions it is exposed to. As a general rule, most manufacturers recommend replacing safety helmets every five years.

Safety helmets are optional

Finally, some people believe that wearing a safety helmet is optional in many industries. However, this is not true either. In many industries where there is a risk of head injury, wearing a safety helmet is mandatory.

Employers have a responsibility to ensure their workers are protected from workplace hazards and failure to provide appropriate PPE such as safety helmets can result in disciplinary action or even legal consequences.

Maintenance and Care of Safety Helmets: Keeping Them in Good Condition

Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure that safety helmets remain in good condition and can provide adequate protection. Safety helmets are designed to protect the wearer from head injuries caused by impact, penetration, or electrical shock. However, if they are not properly maintained, they may fail to provide the necessary protection.

Checking for any cracks or damage is an essential part of helmet maintenance. Even minor cracks can compromise the helmet's structural integrity and reduce its effectiveness in protecting the wearer's head. Therefore, it is important to inspect the helmet regularly for any signs of wear and tear.

Cleaning the helmet regularly is also important for maintaining its effectiveness. Sweat, dirt, and other debris can accumulate on the helmet's surface over time, making it less comfortable to wear and reducing its ability to absorb impact. To clean a safety helmet properly, use mild soap and water and avoid using abrasive materials that could scratch or damage the surface.

Replacing any worn-out accessories such as chin straps or sweatbands is another important part of helmet maintenance. These accessories play a vital role in ensuring that the helmet fits securely on the wearer's head and provides maximum protection against impact.

It is important to only use accessories that are approved by the manufacturer of your safety helmet. Using non-approved accessories can compromise the helmet's safety features and void its warranty.

The manufacturing process of safety helmets involves using good chemical materials to ensure durability and resistance to impact. However, exposure to certain chemicals such as solvents or petroleum-based products can weaken their structure and compromise their effectiveness.

Therefore, it is essential to store and handle helmets correctly to avoid any chemical damage. Helmets should be kept away from direct sunlight or heat sources as this could cause them to degrade over time. They should also be stored in a dry place where there is no risk of exposure to moisture or humidity.

In addition, helmets should be handled with care when transporting them from one location to another. Dropping them or subjecting them to other forms of impact can cause damage that may not be immediately visible but could compromise their effectiveness in protecting the wearer's head.

It is also important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for the maintenance and care of your safety helmet. This includes information on how often to inspect and clean the helmet, as well as guidance on when to replace it if it becomes damaged or worn out.

Training and Education on the Proper Use of Safety Helmets

Proper training and education on the use of safety helmets is crucial in preventing accidents in construction sites. Construction workers should be educated on the different types of safety helmets or hard hats available and which one is appropriate for their specific job or activity. Workers should also be trained on how to properly wear and adjust their safety helmets to ensure maximum protection and performance.

Types of Safety Helmets or Hard Hats

There are several types of safety helmets or hard hats available in the market, each designed for a specific purpose. For example, some hard hats are designed to protect against impact, while others are designed to protect against electric shock. It is important that construction workers receive proper training on which type of helmet is appropriate for their job or activity.

Proper Fitting and Adjustment

In addition to selecting the right type of helmet, it is equally important that construction workers know how to properly fit and adjust their safety helmets. A poorly fitting helmet can compromise its effectiveness in protecting workers from hazards such as falling objects. Workers should be trained on how to adjust the straps so that the helmet fits snugly but comfortably on their head.

Stickers and Decorations

While stickers or other decorations may seem like harmless ways to personalise a safety helmet, they can actually compromise the integrity of the equipment and reduce its effectiveness in protecting workers from hazards such as electric shock. Therefore, it is important that construction workers are educated on why stickers or decorations should not be added to safety helmets.

Statistics on Safety Helmets

  1. Construction industry: In the UK, the construction industry is one of the sectors with the highest risk of head injuries. According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), between 2016 and 2020, there were 217 fatal injuries in the construction sector. While this data doesn't specifically mention head injuries, wearing safety helmets is crucial to reducing the risk of head injuries in this industry.
  2. Cycling: A 2016 study by the University of Bath and Brunel University found that bicycle helmets reduced the risk of serious head injury by nearly 70% and the risk of fatal head injury by 65%. The Department for Transport reported that, in 2019, 99 pedal cyclists were killed, and 3,707 were seriously injured in road accidents in Great Britain. Wearing helmets can significantly reduce the risk of head injuries and fatalities for cyclists.
  3. Motorcycle accidents: According to a study conducted by the Transport Research Laboratory in 2004, wearing a motorcycle helmet reduces the risk of death in a crash by 42% and the risk of serious injury by 69%. The Department for Transport reported that, in 2019, 331 motorcyclists were killed, and 5,041 were seriously injured in road accidents in Great Britain. Helmets play a vital role in preventing and minimising head injuries in motorcycle accidents.

It is essential to remember that these statistics are not exhaustive or up-to-date. However, they highlight the significance of safety helmets in reducing head injuries and fatalities in various situations in the UK. Wearing a helmet that meets the relevant safety standards is crucial to improving safety and preventing accidents.

Prevention Against Long-Term Effects on Health and Well-being

Head injuries can have long-term effects on your health and well-being. They can cause permanent brain damage, memory loss, personality changes, and other cognitive impairments. Wearing a safety helmet can save your life and prevent serious head injuries that can have long-term effects on your health and well-being.

Overall, understanding the importance of wearing a safety helmet in the workplace can help prevent serious head injuries that could affect a worker's quality of life. By prioritising workplace safety through proper training, equipment selection, maintenance, and care, employers can create a safer work environment for everyone involved.

So remember - don't overlook the importance of wearing a high-quality safety helmet!

Contact us to discuss your requirements of Construction PVC Safety Boots. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.