5 Must-Have Features in a moto rz

02 Sep.,2024


5 awesome things you can do on the Motorola Razr Plus ...

The Motorola Razr Plus is easily one of the best, if not the best, flip phones right now. The 3.6-inch cover display is the biggest you can get on a clamshell foldable, and Motorola has put in serious efforts to utilize the outer screen to its full potential &#; unlike what Oppo did with its Oppo Find N2 Flip.

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I&#;ve had the Razr Plus for a week now, and I keep discovering new ways to utilize the cover display. Here are five awesome things that you can do with it.

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Moo time is the best

Motorola offers nine different clock styles for you to choose from for the cover screen, and &#;Moo time&#; is the best. It&#;s a character (Moo, I believe) that sits on your cover screen. It&#;s not a still image. Moo is intuitive and reacts to your taps. You&#;ll never get bored of it because it also changes with the time of the day.

For instance, around 7 a.m., it&#;s brushing its teeth, and when you tap on it, it blows a kiss on the screen. In the afternoon, it&#;s having coffee, resting, or working on a laptop &#; depending on the time of the day. In the evening, I see it coming back from work on a subway. It&#;s very intuitive and playful. I love Moo.

Here&#;s how to select the Moo time clock style:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Go to External Display.
  3. Tap Lock screen clock faces.
  4. Select Moo time.

Run any app you like

This is something that Oppo could have done with the Find N2 Flip, but instead, it limited the screen to just widgets. Instead of having a preset for apps, you can select any apps you want to use on the cover screen. From YouTube to Microsoft Teams to social media apps like Twitter and Instagram, you can run it all.

I&#;ve found it extremely useful when I want to respond to messages on Teams or . All I need to do is tap on the notification, and it opens the chat. Tap on the text box, and you get a full-fledged keyboard to type on with no limitations. I don&#;t feel uncomfortable typing on the cover display because it&#;s not cramped.

Quickly replying to a message on a small display not only saves time from unfolding but also keeps things focused. I don&#;t find myself mindlessly scrolling social media after replying to texts. I send a message and slide the back. You can run YouTube, too, if you like. I won&#;t recommend it, though, because there&#;s a 6.9-inch display on the inside to watch content on.

Here&#;s how you can select the apps you want to use on the cover screen:

  1. Unlock your but keep it folded.
  2. Swipe once to the right.
  3. Tap on the Pencil icon in the top right corner.
  4. You&#;ll get a list of almost all the installed apps.
  5. Tap to select the ones you need on the cover screen.
  6. Tap on the Tick icon at the top-right corner.
  7. You&#;ll have all the selected apps on the Apps screen of the cover display.

Capture good-looking selfies with rear cameras

The selfie cameras on most Android phones aren&#;t great &#; that&#;s one of the reasons I was a fan of the Asus Zenfone 8 Flip design. It allowed me to take selfies with the primary camera, not a watered-down front-facing one, and gave me a fullscreen viewfinder. The Oppo Find N2 Flip was the first time since then that I was able to use rear cameras to click selfies with a good viewfinder.

The Motorola Razr Plus takes it to the next level by letting me quickly access the camera with a twist of the wrist. No need to unlock and tap on the Camera icon for the app to launch; just a twist is enough. It adds to the overall experience. I&#;ve been able to use the rear cameras as selfie shooters while also having a full-screen viewfinder, and it&#;s been a fantastic experience.

Games made for the cover display

The Motorola Razr Plus comes with seven pre-installed games with the option to download more. You get Marble Mayhem, Astro Odyssey, Stack Bounce, and more. To download more games, you need to flip open the and choose the ones you like.

I like Marble Mayhem which moves the marble as you turn and rotate the . Astro Odyssey is like the dinosaur game you get on Chrome when the internet isn&#;t working. I&#;m not much of a person who plays games on phones, but these are good timekillers for when the internet isn&#;t working, or you&#;re bored and just want to kill a few minutes.

Lots of customization options

Most flip phones offer a few widgets for their cover screen &#; and that&#;s about it. But Motorola lets you customize the Razr Plus&#;s cover screen to your liking. You can choose from a variety of &#;panels,&#; which are essential widgets designed precisely for the cover screen.

You get an app launcher, contacts, calendar, weather, games, Spotify, Google Fit, and Google News to choose from. These are all pretty self-explanatory. The only annoyance here is for YouTube Music or Apple Music users. You only get to have a Spotify panel on the cover screen, and that&#;s it.

Here&#;s how to customize panels:

  1. Unlock your .
  2. Tap and hold on the cover screen.
  3. You&#;ll get a menu with three options: Manage panels, Wallpapers and shortcuts, and Lock screen clock face. Tap on the first one.
  4. A horizontal list of panels will appear. From here, you can drag and drop the ones you want on the screen.
  5. Tap on the tick icon in the top right corner.

This is how all cover screens should be

The Motorola Razr Plus cover screen helps it stand out from all the other clamshell foldables. The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 is rumored to have a big cover display to rival Motorola&#;s, but we don&#;t know if you&#;ll be able to do quite as much with it; rumor has it that may not entirely be the case.

Regardless of what Samsung does, the Razr Plus remains a striking example of how every company making a folding flip should handle the cover screen. Keep your small displays and limited widgets. Give me a big screen, tons of settings, and the freedom to do whatever I want with it.

The crazy (but cute) reason you should buy a Motorola flip ...

When I reviewed the Motorola Razr 40 (or Razr , if you prefer), I fell in love. Not with the , although it is very good indeed, but with Moo.

Moo lives on the &#;s cover screen and is a very rare beast indeed, as it&#;s a fun and cute character created by a brand that&#;s actually fun and cute. I liked having Moo live on my Razr so much that once I&#;d discovered it, I never thought about changing to another clock face or wallpaper image once.

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If you want to learn more, please visit our website moto rz.

What on Earth is Moo?

Moo is an animated character who lives on the cover screen of the latest Motorola Razr phones, including the brilliant Motorola Razr Plus. Despite the name, Moo is not a cow, but an interpretation of the iconic Motorola &#;Batwing&#; M-shape logo. Moo is round and white, with a cute face and two dots above its antenna, and just goes about its day on your . It just so happens that Moo&#;s day usually mirrors your own.

I know how this sounds. Moo is based on Motorola&#;s logo and therefore dreamt up by marketing folk who have heard about cute things, but have no understanding of cuteness at all. Many brands have tried to create fun characters that resonate with people &#; for example, Samsung has a skateboarding bear, and Realme has the Realmeow cat mascot &#; but they&#;ve always been rather soulless branding exercises and quickly forgotten.




Andy Boxall / Digital Trends

Taken with the iPhone 14 Pro

Andy Boxall / Digital Trends

Andy Boxall / Digital Trends

This history suggests Moo absolutely shouldn&#;t work in any way at all, but Moo is different. Whether by design or by chance, Moo is easily the cutest, most fun animated logo-turned-mascot ever to be put onto a smartphone, and you need to be made aware of its existence. Why? Because it may end up factoring into your -buying decision.

What&#;s so great about Moo?

What am I saying? Am I actually recommending you buy a particular smartphone because of a clever clock face? Well, kind of, yes! Smartphones are pieces of technology, so when something adds character, it should be celebrated. Moo does exactly that. Let me explain what I mean, and you&#;ll have to forgive me because I&#;m going to sound a bit crazy; I know I&#;m describing an animated character on a , but just stay with me.

Right at this moment, I am typing this story on my computer, and when I tap the cover screen on the Razr 40, Moo is there typing away on a laptop too. Tap Moo again, and the view switches to the side as Moo furiously types away, reminding me of those cute GIFs of cats typing. Moo&#;s activities then change according to the time of day. Moo brushes its teeth first thing in the morning, then commutes to the office before eating dinner and reading in the evening, with other activities in-between. When the &#;s battery is almost flat, Moo gets exhausted and takes a nap.

Each time you tap Moo, the scene changes to something else, but it&#;s never something unrelated or perfunctory. Someone has thought about Moo and tried to inject some feeling into the design. Only when you are told Moo is shaped a bit like Motorola&#;s logo does that link it become clear, and until then, it&#;s just a very cute creature doing its own thing. It&#;s astonishingly successful, as there are flashes of actual character here, and it all comes to life through a simple, yet brilliant design.

Moo&#;s activities aren&#;t just basic movements or &#;cool&#; activities. Moo doesn&#;t skateboard, which is a good thing, as neither do I. Moo doesn&#;t act like a DJ, jump up and down for no particular reason, or just walk across the screen either. This is the inspired part, as it transforms Moo from being yet another failed marketing play into a memorable character that lives on your and, amazingly, becomes somewhat relatable in the process. No other company has come close to creating a character like Moo.

I didn&#;t want Moo to go

Initially, I didn&#;t use Moo for the Razr 40&#;s cover screen, and those early few days with just a boring image are ones I regret. I discovered Moo after looking at the cover screen options, and my experiences with previous mascots almost made me pass it by. I&#;m so glad I didn&#;t, as once Moo was living on the cover screen, it didn&#;t change until I took my SIM card out to put into a different . I&#;ll be honest, it was a sad day saying goodbye to Moo.

I have recently had the chance to try the Motorola Razr Plus (or Motorola Razr 40 Ultra, as it&#;s known in the U.K.), and Moo is also an option on that &#; just at a far larger scale than on the Razr 40&#;s small cover screen, and with added background animations too. Moo manages to make the Razr&#;s cover screen entertaining, is far cuter than it has any right to be, and I promise you will smile when you see its antics (especially when you&#;re doing something very similar in real life).

Here&#;s a confession: I&#;d take Moo on the cover screen over it running Android apps every time. If you think I&#;m crazy, then just give Moo a try when you handle a Razr , and I think you&#;ll be nodding in agreement with everything I&#;ve said after just a few moments. If you already own a Razr , but haven&#;t found Moo, go to Settings > External Display > Clock Faces, and select the one named Moo Time. You&#;ll be glad you did.

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