10 Questions You Should to Know about tyre pressure monitoring system

24 Feb.,2025


What You Need To Know About Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems

You may not have known this (we didn&#;t!) but since November , all new vehicles have been fitted with tyre pressure monitoring systems as standard. Some manufacturers had been using the technology for quite some time beforehand, so you may well have an older vehicle which uses the safety system to make sure tyre pressure stays at an appropriate level, as well as checking for any unusual temperature changes.

Goto foxwell to know more.

The monitors work by transmitting data from a pressure sensor in the dust cap protecting the valve of each tyre to the dashboard. A warning light on the dashboard alerts the driver to any potentially concerning changes to the tyre pressure, such as low or imbalance pressure. Generally, the monitoring system will be programmed to transmit information of changes of at least 6-7 psi or around 20% of the tyre&#;s overall pressure. As you may expect, the monitoring system will need to be regularly checked and maintained, just as with any other piece of equipment in your vehicle. Replacement may also be required periodically.

Why install a tyre pressure monitoring system?

If you have an older vehicle which wasn&#;t equipped with a tyre pressure monitoring system as standard and are considering having one installed, you may be asking yourself what the benefits of doing so are. There is a good reason for manufacturers deciding to include the equipment in all new builds, meaning it is definitely worth fitting one if possible.

The benefits of a tyre pressure monitoring system include:

  • Improved safety as properly inflated tyres result in shorter, more reliable braking distances
  • Lower fuel consumption when driving on properly inflated tyres
  • Reduced CO2 emissions achieved by driving on correctly inflated tyres
  • Reduced risk of tears in tyre surface

Maintaining a tyre pressure monitoring system

If you do buy a new vehicle which has a TPMS installed as standard, or decide to fit one to your existing vehicle, bear in mind that the systems now form part of the MOT test. As such, a fault in the system will result in an &#;advisory&#; for vehicles produced before , while a newer vehicle will fail MOT testing should the warning light be illuminated.

Your TPMS should be checked regularly and included as part of any service carried out on your vehicle. As a general rule of thumb, the system should last approximately 6 years or 100,000 miles before the valve pressure sensor batteries need to be replaced. Should a full replacement be required, most mechanics will be able to install a new sensor which clones existing information, or as near as possible.

TyrePal tyre pressure monitoring system

Our friends at TyrePal have provided us with the following information, explaining why tyre pressure monitoring systems are important for those towing caravans.

It is a known fact that blow-outs are a major factor in insurance claims especially with caravans - one insurance company reports that of their road traffic accident claims:

  • 33% resulted from tyre blow-out
  • 33% resulted from collisions with other road users
  • 14% were caused by wheel loss
  • 9% were caused by detachment of the unit from the tow vehicle
  • 9% as a result of a snaking incident
  • 2% due to unidentified causes

A TyrePal tyre pressure monitoring system monitors continuously the temperature and pressure of your tyres &#; and warns you when things are going wrong:

High pressure affecting braking distance, tyre wear and road holding

  • Low pressure causing excessive fuel consumption and tyre wear
  • Overheating which increases the possibility of a blowout or fire

Apart from giving you warning before a blowout, monitoring your tyre pressures can save money by reducing fuel consumption and tyre wear and it can help to reduce CO? emissions.

All that is required is for the user to replace their tyre dust caps with sensors which transmit pressure and temperature information wirelessly to a monitor in the cab. The cost of a TyrePal system is as low as £135 with 2 sensors for a caravan.

For more information on the TyrePal system, the manufacturer&#;s website has an in-depth FAQ section.

Checking your tyre pressure with TyrePal

If you would like to see how easy it is to work a TyrePal tyre pressure monitoring system, spend just over a minute watching this video we produced in collaboration with the Mobile Caravan Engineers Association.

Our Freedom and Evolve caravan insurance schemes offer a 5% discount to customers who have Tyrepal fitted to their caravans. Call our caravan team on for more details.

If you are a Lifesure customer, you can get a 15% discount off the cost of TyrePal products. Login to the MyLifesure section of our website to get the code that you'll need.

Additional tyre safety with Tyron bands

Tyron bands are fitted to the wheel of a car, caravan or motorhome and work by locking the wheel and tyre together in the event of a blowout, preventing too much movement and allowing the driver to retain as much control as possible. The band also protects the wheel rim from the damage associated with driving on a blown-out tyre.

We have previously written an article on Tyron bands, which contains all the information you need as well as a short video. Those interested in the bands can find the article here.

6 Things You Need to Know about Tire Pressure - Nonda

When it comes to driving safety, tire pressure is always one of the hottest topics. Why does tire pressure matter? What the heck is that little annoying symbol on my dashboard? Should I under-inflate my tire during the winter? How often should I check my tire pressure?

We got tons of questions like this from our community, so for today, let's dive deep into the world of tire pressure, put our geeky glasses on and figure out everything you need to know about your tires.

1. What's The Recommended Tire Pressure For My Car?

The recommended tire pressure varies based on the vehicle makes determined by the manufacturer after thousands of tests and calculations. For most vehicles, you can find the ideal tire pressure on the sticker/card inside the driver&#;s door for newer cars. If there&#;s no sticker, you can usually find the info in the owner&#;s manual. Normal tire pressure is usually between 32~40 psi(pounds per square inch) when they are cold. So make sure you check your tire pressure after a long stay and usually, you can do it in the early morning.

2. How To Check The Tire Pressure?

After knowing the proper tire pressure of your vehicle recommended by the manufacturer, you should check your tire pressure regularly to make sure that you are in good shape. 

You can check your tire pressure in auto part stores, the mechanics, gas stations, and at home. To check tire pressure at home, you need:

  • A Tire Pressure Gauge(Digital or Regular)
  • Air Compressor
  • Pen and paper / your

Step 1: Test with cold tires

As tire pressure changes with the temperature a lot, and recommended tire pressures are cold inflation pressure, you should start with cold tires if possible. We mostly check the tire pressure after one night's rest to avoid the heat from the friction of the last drive, and before the temperature goes up. 

Step 2: Check the tire pressure with the gauge

Unscrew the valve cap and press the tire gauge onto the valve stem hard enough until the hissing sound disappears. There should be a reading as long as the gauge is well connected to the tire.

Step 3: Note down the readings

You can then note down the tire pressure of each tire, and compare them with the ideal psi you read from inside your driver&#;s door or in the owner&#;s manual. Make sure you read in detail, as for some vehicles, front and rear tires have different recommended psi.

Step 4: Fill your tires to the recommended psi

If you find a tire underinflated, use the air compressor to fill your tires. You can either buy an air compressor in the auto parts store or use one in a gas station. Remember to rest your tires for at least half an hour to make sure they&#;re cold and the reading is accurate. If you have to fill your tires when the tires are hot, inflate them 3~4 psi above the recommended psi, and check again with your gauge when they are cold. It&#;s ok to overinflate a bit when filling the tires, as you can let the air out with the gauge.

Step 5: Check the tire pressure again

After filling the tires, use your tire pressure gauge to check the tire pressure again and make sure they are in a good range. Let the air out a bit if they are over-inflated by pressing the gauge harder on the valve stem.

3. How To Maintain Proper Tire Inflation?

Tire maintenance is essential for the overall performance of your vehicle, and we highly recommend that you check your tire pressure every time you inflate your tire, each 10°F (5.6 °C) temperature change, and every 30 days. 

Be mindful that don&#;t wait until the TPMS(Tire Pressure Monitoring System) light come on before you check the tire pressure, as the normal TPMS may:

  • Turn on after the tire pressure is well underinflated
  • Cannot detect gradual air loss
  • Cannot detect over-inflated tires
  • Cannot tell which tire is under-inflated
  • Cannot turn on if the TPMS is not transmitting the signal to the dashboard
  • ...

For more information about the tire pressure monitoring system, please check our post about TPMS: What is TPMS and Why Does it Matter?

Thus, we highly recommend that you check your tire pressure regularly, especially before a long drive or heavy load driving. Also, temperature affects the tire pressure a lot, and we will explain it in the next section.

4. How Does Temperature Affect Tire Pressure?

First of all, the rule of thumb is for each 10°F (5.6 °C) decrease in temperature, the tire pressure will drop by one psi for most passenger vehicles. When it comes to commercial truck tires, which are often inflated to over 80 psi (twice as much as a passenger vehicle tires), the change of tire pressure according to temperature is doubled to 2 psi for every 10°F.

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For the non-nerdy readers, just remember this rule of thumb and keep in mind that you will need to monitor your tire pressure during different seasons or a sudden temperature change.  For those who want a deeper dive into how psi's are determined, here's the science behind it.

The equation we use to calculate the relationship between tire pressure and the temperature is called the Ideal Gas Law. It is a good approximation of the behavior of many gases under many conditions. (Appx1) It works well for most low-pressure gases. When applied to tire pressure calculation, the error is less than 1%.

First, we take the Ideal Gas Law equation and apply it to our circumstance:


P = absolute pressure
V = gas volume in the tire
n = the number of molecules of gas in the tire
R = universal gas constant
T = temperature

Since we are trying to examine the pressure change according to the temperature, let's assume two tire pressures P1 & P2 at their set temperatures T1 & T2.

Given the n and R are both constants, and the gas volume in the tire is also a constant, we can take those constants out of the equation, and suddenly we get this straightforward one:

Let's say the temperature drops from 100°F to 50°F, the tire pressure at 100°F is 35 psi, so what's the tire pressure now at 50°F?

(the metric system is getting in the way, huh?)

Absolute Pressure = tire pressure + sea level air pressure (14.7 psi). So,

Put all that into the equation,

So a 50°F drop in temperature lowers the air pressure by 4.5 psi, which is pretty much the same according to our rule of thumb.

5. How Does Tire Pressure Affect Driving

Both overinflation and underinflation affect your tire performance a lot, and serious problems might occur. According to NHTSA(National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), driving on underinflated tires increases a driver's chance of being in a serious accident by 300%. So how will a bad tire pressure affect driving safety? We will explain in detail below.

How tire pressure affects grip

The grip is mostly associated with the size of the contact patch between the tire and the road. An over-inflated tire radically decreases the contact patch while an under-inflated tire does the opposite.

A larger contact patch gives you more grip, and this is the exact reason why lots of racers will intentionally decrease their tire pressures to create a larger contact patch on a dry race track.

However, despite the fact that an under-inflated tire will cause more fuel consumption and improper tear and wear of the tires, for most daily commuters, it might cause an even scarier problem, which is hydroplaning.

Hydroplaning is a hazardous event when a layer of water builds between the wheels and the road surface, leading to a loss of traction that prevents the vehicle from responding to control inputs. (Appx2)

Hydroplaning occurs when the pressure of the tire pushing on the ground is equal to the water pushing back up on that tire. The size of the contact patch, given the force or the weight of the tire, is the same, directly affects the average pressure the tire's putting down on the road. The larger the contact patch (by deflating the tires), the less pressure it puts on that same area. So there's a causal relationship between your tire pressure and the possibility of a hydroplaning event.

Here's a more visual explanation of what is happening between a properly-inflated tire and an underinflated tire when driving on a wet road.

(waters could easily go under an under-inflated tire and cause hydroplaning)

To avoid a hydroplaning event, ALWAYS inflate your tires properly. Also, check your tires' treads, which make the water flow around the tires more efficiently, and of course, driving slow is always a big plus.

How tire pressure affects tire wear

The contact patch directly decides the pattern of the tire's wear and tear. You don't want your tires to wear out prematurely just because you have an over or under-inflated tire.

How tire pressure affects fuel economy

Imagine you are a ball rolling on the ice, there's no friction between the two surfaces, how much extra force do you need to apply to keep the ball moving? Zero (Thanks, Newton). The same applies to your fuel consumption when it comes to driving on the road. The rolling resistance between your tires and the road significantly affects fuel economy, and by now we should all know the logic behind this, lower tire pressure leads to a larger contact patch, which causes higher rolling resistance, and thus, poor fuel economy.

A Michelin study showed that your tire is accountable for at least 1/5 of your total fuel consumption and a 1-bar of pressure drop (14.5 psi) would increase your fuel consumption by 3-5%.

6. Special Conditions For Tire Pressure Manipulation

There are of course circumstances where you want to manipulate your tire pressure to meet specific requirements. Like the aforementioned track race, or if you are driving on sand, mud, etc. However, as a daily commuter, we strongly suggest you regularly check your tire pressure, preferably once a week and anytime you might take a long road trip, and always keep the tires properly inflated! 

(overview of tire properties under different pressure points)


Tire pressure is always a hot topic regarding driving safety, and it's important to keep an eye on the tire pressure to maximize fuel efficiency and safety.

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Appendix 1 - Ideal gas law - Wikipedia.