What is the story behind the bloodstone?

01 Jul.,2024


Heliotrope (mineral) - Wikipedia

Mineral aggregate

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A rough specimen of bloodstone

The mineral aggregate heliotrope (from Ancient Greek &#;λιος (h&#;lios) 'sun', and τρέπειν (trépein) 'to turn'), also called Indian bloodstone or ematille, is a cryptocrystalline mixture of quartz that occurs mostly as jasper (opaque) or sometimes as chalcedony (translucent). The "classic" bloodstone is translucent to opaque green chalcedony and red jasper that contains inclusions of hematite. The red jasper may resemble spots of blood, hence the name bloodstone. Other colors of chalcedony also can occur in Indian bloodstone, such as white, yellow, or blue. This stone should not be confused with other ornamental stones that contain red jasper, such as Setonite (also known as African Bloodstone) which is composed of red jasper, grey chalcedony, and pyrite; or Dragon's Blood (sometimes referred to as Australian Bloodstone) which is composed of red jasper and green epidote.

The name heliotrope derives from ancient beliefs about the manner in which the mineral reflects light. Such notions are described, for example, by Pliny the Elder (Nat. Hist. 37.165).[1]

Legends and superstitions




Heliotrope was called "stone of Babylon" by Albertus Magnus[2] and he referred to several magical properties, which were attributed to it from Late Antiquity. Pliny the Elder (1st century) mentioned first that the magicians used it as a stone of invisibility.[3] Damigeron (4th century)[4] wrote about its property to make rain, solar eclipse, and its special virtue in divination and preserving health and youth. A Christian tradition states that the red spots come from blood falling upon the stone during the crucifixion of Jesus, as he was stabbed in the side by a Roman soldier.[5] Ancient Roman soldiers believed that the stone had the ability to slow bleeding and wore it for this reason.[5] In India it is held that one can staunch the bleeding by placing upon wounds and injuries after dipping it in cold water, which may have a scientific basis in the fact that iron oxide, contained in the stone, is an effective astringent.[5] The Gnostics wore the stone as an amulet for longevity, for wealth and courage, to strengthen the stomach, and to dispel melancholy.[6] In the Middle Ages it was considered useful for animal husbandry.[6] The ancient Greeks and Romans wore the stone to bring renown and favor, to bring endurance, and as a charm against the bite of venomous creatures. Greek and Roman athletes favored it as talisman for success in their games.[6] In Scotland, the Gaels saw heliotropes as the product of an everlasting battle (seen as the aurora borealis) fought by 'the Nimble Ones,' giant faerie-folk who danced and fought in the night skies, their blood pooling into the red part of the aurora before falling in drops to the ground to form bloodstones.[7]





True Indian bloodstone is primarily found in the Deccan Traps of India, though other rocks with red jasper in them may be found in South Africa, Western Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Italy, Nova Scotia, and numerous locations in the United States.[8] There are also occurrences of bloodstone on the Isle of Rum, in Scotland.[9]


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  • Hall, Candy A. (). Gem Stones. DK Publishing. ISBN 1--498-4.

Bloodstone: Meaning, Healing Properties & More


Bloodstone, with its captivating deep green color with specks of red, is a mesmerizing gemstone that has fascinated civilizations for centuries. It possesses unique healing properties, holds historical significance, and has been attributed with various mystical powers. In this article, DWS Jewellery dives into the world of bloodstone, unveiling its meaning, healing properties, interesting facts, powers, practical uses, and more.

Bloodstone Meaning:

Bloodstone derives its name from its appearance, resembling droplets of blood on a green surface. It is also known as Heliotrope, meaning "sun turner" in ancient Greek, referring to the belief that when placed in water, it would turn the reflection of the sun red.

Healing Properties of Bloodstone:

Bloodstone is believed to possess several healing properties that can benefit both the physical and emotional well-being. Some of its notable healing properties include:

  1. Blood purification: It is often associated with cleansing the blood and organs, helping to remove toxins and improve overall circulation.
  2. Boosting the immune system: Bloodstone is believed to enhance the immune system, helping the body fight against infections and diseases.
  3. Balancing emotions: This gemstone is known for its ability to help calm and stabilize emotions. It can promote self-confidence, reduce stress, and bring about a sense of inner peace.
  4. Promoting physical endurance: Bloodstone is often used by athletes or individuals seeking to improve their physical performance, as it is believed to enhance stamina and energy levels.

Facts about Bloodstone:

Here are some interesting facts about bloodstone:

  1. Ancient talisman: Bloodstone has been used as a powerful talisman and amulet since ancient times. It was believed to provide protection against evil spirits and bring good fortune.
  2. Historical significance: In medieval Europe, bloodstone was associated with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It was believed that the gemstone was created when drops of his blood fell on the earth and solidified.
  3. Geographical origins: Bloodstone is found in various parts of the world, including India, Brazil, Australia, China, and the United States. India is known for producing high-quality bloodstone.
  4. Chakra association: Bloodstone is commonly associated with the root chakra, which is related to grounding, stability, and physical well-being.

Mystical Powers of Bloodstone:

Bloodstone has been attributed with several mystical powers throughout history. Some of its powers include:

  1. Protection: It is believed that bloodstone can provide protection against negative energy, psychic attacks, and emotional vampires.
  2. Enhancing decision-making: Bloodstone is said to enhance analytical thinking and facilitate logical decision-making. It helps to weigh all options and choose the best course of action.
  3. Psychic senses stimulation: It is believed that bloodstone can stimulate psychic abilities and intuition, aiding in divination, prophecy, and spiritual growth.
  4. Grounding and strengthening energy: Bloodstone helps to ground spiritual energy into the physical realm, providing stability and strength during challenging times.
Practical Uses of Bloodstone:

Apart from its metaphysical properties, bloodstone also has some practical uses. Some of them include:

  1. Jewelry: Bloodstone is commonly used in jewelry, where its beautiful color and unique pattern are showcased in necklaces, bracelets, and rings.
  2. Home decor: Bloodstone's striking appearance makes it a popular choice for decorative items such as sculptures, vases, and decorative tiles.
  3. Meditation aid: Bloodstone is often used during meditation to enhance focus, calm the mind, and connect with one's spiritual self.
  4. Gift giving: Bloodstone is often given as a gift to loved ones, symbolizing protection, strength, and good luck.

Bloodstone is a gemstone that holds deep meaning, fascinating healing properties, and mystical powers. With its rich history and remarkable visual appeal, bloodstone continues to captivate people across the globe. Whether used for healing, meditation, or adornment, this gemstone offers a myriad of benefits to those who embrace its powers.

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