Questions You Should Know about truck exporter

29 Apr.,2024


The Ins And Outs Of Auto Exportation In The U.S. | NTS

Auto exportation can be complex, mainly due to the documentation requirements. Learning the regulatory demands can save you a lot of trouble and ensure your vehicle’s safe and swift arrival at the desired location.

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The Standardized Process for Exporting Cars

Shipping a motorway vehicle from the United States generally follows the same process, although documentation may vary:

  1. The exporter must present the vehicle to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), together with all the relevant documentation describing the car, at the port of exportation. 
  2. The document includes the vehicle identification number (VIN) or, in the absence of that, the product identification number (PIN). It helps to ensure you present all documents in time to avoid unnecessary hurdles. 
  3. You must deliver the documents to the CBP at least 72 hours before the export. You may contact the customs authorities before the time provided to confirm you have all the applicable documentation for your state and jurisdiction intact.
  4. When you arrive at customs, a port director will provide you with the locations to present the vehicle and documents for inspection. Typically, the customs officers will assess your documents and compare them with the car to determine their authenticity. After that, the officer will mark the original documents. 
  5. In most cases, the customs return the original documents to the exporter. Where customs retain the original title documents and cannot find them before exporting the vehicle, the exporter’s authenticated copy of the original documentation serves as evidence of compliance. There may be additional steps, depending on the circumstances.

Exporting a vehicle outside the country is only permitted when you meet these compliance requirements unless the car entered the U.S. under an in-bond procedure, a temporary importation bond, carnet or a personal exemption for non-residents who imported the vehicle for one year. 

Required Documentation for Auto Exportation

Here are the standard documents you’ll need when exporting cars from the U.S.:

1. Certificate of Title

Vehicles used in the U.S. typically have an original certificate of title or salvage title. The vehicle’s owner must provide the original or a certified copy of the certificate of title with two additional copies to customs. The certified copy of the certificate must be issued by an authorized government agency and must include a signed statement that it is an authenticated copy of the original.

Where the shipment involves a U.S. government employee exporting the vehicle in conjunction with their reassignment abroad as directed by official travel orders, that employee must establish that they have complied with the sponsoring agency’s internal travel department procedures for vehicle exportation.

Where the vehicle was used, titled or registered outside of the U.S., the owner must present proof of ownership with the English translation where necessary and two complete copies of each document.

Again, where a scrap or junk certificate issued in the U.S. remains active, the owner must present the original certificate or a certified copy with two extra copies to the CBP. 

2. Manufacturer’s Statement or Certificate of Origin (MSO/MCO)

The documentation requirements are different for newly manufactured and untitled vehicles. Newly manufactured vehicles purchased from a U.S. manufacturer, dealer or distributor and used in the country are generally issued an MSO instead of a certificate of title. The owner must provide the original MSO with two copies to the customs at the specified time and location.

3. Bill of Sale

Where the owner is not issued an MSO or certificate of title, the owner must establish that the jurisdiction where the vehicle comes from does not have ownership documentation requirements regarding the motor vehicle. The owner must provide the original documents proving their ownership, like a dealer’s invoice or bill of sale, with two copies. 

The same applies when the vehicle is titled or has a certificate that is no longer valid, only that the owner would have to provide a written statement indicating that the car was procured in a bona fide transaction. 

Owners who purchase antique cars that were never titled may apply this requirement. The same applied to special vehicles which entered the U.S. without conditions for a title. The essence of providing these documents is to prove that the vehicle was genuinely obtained.

4. Lien Release Documents

Where you share ownership in the vehicle with a third party, like in the case of leased vehicles or vehicles with a recorded lien in the U.S., the owner must provide the original or certified copy of the certificate of title with two complete copies and a separate written statement from the third-party indicating that the vehicle may be exported.

The written statement must be on the third-party’s letterhead and contain documents that describe the vehicle, including the VIN, the name of the lienholder, their contact information, the owner or lienholder’s signature and the date of the signature.

The Automated Export System (AES)

The AES is a system that the U.S. government uses to collect data on all exports. In most cases, exporters are required to file their shipment information — electronic export information (EEI) — through the AES before finalizing the export. The exporter does the filing on the automated commercial environment (ACE), an online portal that allows the transmission of their EEI to the AES.

U.S. citizens or residents with social security numbers will need to create an ACE account and provide an employer identification number (EIN) as part of the EEI before exporting. Exporters can apply for an EIN on the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) website. If you are a non-U.S. citizen, you must authorize an agent to file on your behalf and use their passport number in place of the EIN. The system uses the EIN for identification rather than tax purposes.

Can You Ship a Car by Yourself?

Yes, you can export a car from the U.S. if you have the correct information. However, most people leverage shipping companies because of their expertise. The auto exportation process can be complex and frustrating, especially when you’re unable to provide the necessary documents upon request. Partnering with reliable and efficient logistics and transport companies takes the load off your shoulders and ensures your vehicle arrives quickly and safely. 

Do You Need Insurance When Exporting Cars From the USA?

While private parties and direct brokers are not required to carry insurance when exporting vehicles, shipping companies provide insurance on every shipment. However, insurance is essential to protect yourself against loss or damages. 

Various third-party companies provide insurance for export vehicles, so you can search for the best coverage. You can secure an all-risk or total-loss-only coverage when shipping your car internationally. All-risk insurance covers any damage during shipping and is relatively more expensive. Total-loss-only insurance covers you if a total loss occurs, like in the case of disasters.

Nationwide Transport Services: Your Trusted Logistics Partner

Nationwide Transport Services provides international auto export services to individuals and businesses across the country. We have years of experience in the industry, which has allowed us to create efficient and reliable logistics systems focused on streamlining global exports. Our dedicated team is willing to listen to your needs and provide tailored solutions — your vehicle is in safe hands. Contact us today to learn more!

Tips for New Importers and Exporters

In order to avoid potential problems in the clearance of your merchandise, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) strongly recommends that you familiarize yourself with CBP policies and procedures prior to actually importing/exporting your goods. You should also be aware of any entry requirements specific to the particular commodity you are importing/exporting, including those of other federal agencies. To assist you, we offer the following tips for new importers and exporters.

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What kind of license is required to import merchandise into the United States?

CBP does not require an importer to have a license or permit, but other agencies may require a permit, license, or other certification, depending on the commodity that is being imported. CBP acts in an administrative capacity for these other agencies, and you may wish to contact them directly for more information. You can find links to other government agencies and departments at There is a listing of other government agencies in the appendix section of the publication Importing Into the United States. You may also need a license from local or state authorities to do business. CBP entry forms do ask for your importer number: this is either your IRS business registration number, or if your business is not registered with the IRS or you do not have a business, your social security number will be sufficient. As an alternative, you may request a CBP assigned number by completing a CBP Form 5106 and presenting it to the Entry Branch at a CBP port of entry.

The CBP website contains valuable information for the new or experienced importer.

We recommend that importers review the topics on the CBP Trade page. In particular, we suggest viewing the information contained in the section titled Basic Importing and Exporting. There are many topic-specific links to explore. This will lead you to information on CBP import requirements, arrival of goods, formal entry vs. informal entry, classification, protest, mail shipments, restricted merchandise and more. For other agency requirements you may need to meet, and if you become a frequent importer with higher valued shipments, we recommend you read Importing into the United States. This publication contains more in-depth information and is valuable reading for anyone seriously venturing into the importing business.

We also urge you to read the Informed Compliance Publications. CBP has prepared a number of Informed Compliance Publications (ICPs) in the "What Every Member of the Trade Community Should Know About..." series on a variety issues. If your business will cause you to travel in and out of the country, we recommend that you review the traveler information in the Know Before You Go.

Prior to importing, you may contact the CBP office at the port of entry where your merchandise will enter the United States

A complete directory of the various ports of entry can be found on this website. If you are unsure of or haven't decided the port where your shipment will arrive, or you are looking at importing through multiple ports, you may contact a service port of entry near you. Ask to speak with a CBP import specialist assigned to the commodity you are importing. Import specialists are a valuable resource for commodity specific knowledge and can provide classification advice, commodity specific requirements, advisory duty rates, and respond to questions you may have about filing an entry. At many ports, entry specialists handle questions regarding entry filing. Entry specialists work closely with import specialists and provide the technical processing expertise required to file the necessary paperwork.

When calling the port, the importer should be able to provide as much detail regarding the transaction as possible. In order for the import specialist to best assist you, it is important you be able to exactly describe the merchandise you are planning to import. In order for the import specialist to best assist you, you should provide a full and complete description of the article and answer specific questions such as: 1) the country of origin of the merchandise and manufacturer; 2) the composition of the merchandise; 3) the intended use of the item; and 4) pricing/payment information (in order to properly determine the value of the shipment). For more information on the classification of merchandise, consult the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) which contains the actual HTS number and tariff classification guidelines that explain how to properly classify merchandise.

Importers can request a written ruling from CBP for the proper HTSUS classification and rate of duty for their merchandise.

For information on CBP ruling letters, review What are Ruling Letters. When requesting a binding ruling, importers should follow the procedures outlined in Part 177 of the Customs Regulations (19 C.F.R. 177). Research the results of previous ruling requests by using the Customs Rulings Online Search System (CROSS). CBP may have already issued rulings on products similar to yours that you can use for guidance. CROSS also addresses other issues such as value, country of origin marking, and applicability of trade preference programs. The CROSS database is searchable by key word.

The CBP Website also contains valuable information regarding exporting.

If your future plans call for exporting merchandise from the U.S., you should review the information found in the Export section of this website.

Although CBP enforces many export regulations for various other government agencies, specific questions pertaining to licensing requirements for a particular commodity should be directed to that lead agency. Other agency contact information as well as commodities that may require export licenses, can be obtained by visiting the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security Web sites. Questions regarding export licenses may also be directed to CBP officers at the port where the merchandise will exit the country. Another resource is the Department of Commerce's Trade Information Center which you can call 1-800-USA Trade or visit their website

Although certain resident importers and exporters may file entries on their own behalf, many first time importers and exporters consult a licensed customs broker.

Those importing merchandise for their own use often hire a customs broker, particularly if they find the importing procedures complicated; however, they may make entry on their own. Importers wishing to consult the professional services of a Customs broker may do so. Customs brokers are licensed by CBP, but are not CBP employees. To view a list of customs brokers licensed to conduct CBP business in a specific port, select the Port you expect to use. Many service port pages have a list of customs brokers. Please note these lists may not be all inclusive and those brokers appearing on the list are not endorsed by CBP. There is also an Informed Compliance Publication about customs brokers. Remember, even when using a broker, you, the importer of record, are ultimately responsible for the correctness of the entry documentation presented to CBP and all applicable duties, taxes and fees.

Importer Security Filing (ISF/"10+2") mandatory for ocean vessel shipments.

On January 26, 2009, the new rule titled Importer Security Filing and Additional Carrier Requirements (commonly known as "10+2") went into effect. This new rule applies to import cargo arriving to the United States by vessel. Failure to comply with the new rule could ultimately result in monetary penalties, increased inspections and delay of cargo.

What is an Importer Security Filing? Under the new rule, before merchandise arriving by vessel can be imported into the United States, the "Importer Security Filing (ISF) Importer," or their agent (e.g., licensed customs broker), must electronically submit certain advance cargo information to CBP in the form of an Importer Security Filing. This requirement only applies to cargo arriving in the United States by ocean vessel: it does not apply to cargo arriving by other modes of transportation. Remember, even when using a broker, , the importer of record, is ultimately responsible for the correctness of the entry documentation presented to CBP and all applicable duties, taxes and fees.

Where can I Find More Information? For more detailed information about the Importer Security Filing requirements, please see CBP's webpage on Importer Security Filing. You will find a link to Frequently Asked Questions and recordings of recently conducted ISF webinars for small to mediums entities. Additional assistance may be available from your licensed customs broker, freight forwarders, trade associations and local trade centers.

You should research general quota information and quota requirements for certain commodities prior to importing into the United States.

Import quotas control the amount or volume of various commodities that can be imported into the United States during a specified period of time. United States import quotas may be divided into two main types: absolute and tariff-rate. Absolute quotas usually apply to textiles and strictly limit the quantity of goods that may enter the commerce of the United States during a specific period. Currently there are no commodities subject to absolute quota restrictions. Tariff-rate quotas permit a specified quantity of imported merchandise to be entered at a reduced rate of duty during the quota period. Once a quota has been reached, goods may still be entered, but at a higher rate of duty.

Quota information is available on the Quota page. This section contains links to information on subjects such as determining whether imported goods are subject to quota restraints.  A Guide to Import Quotas provides additional quota information. Fill levels for agricultural quotas and textiles eligible for trade preference programs are tracked on the Commodity Status Report for Tariff Rate Quotas. General quota information and instructions for specific quotas are available to CBP field offices and the trade as Quota Book Transmittals.

You may receive a bill if your shipment is examined by CBP.

Under Title 19, section 1467, of the United States Code (19 U.S.C. 1467), CBP has a right to examine any shipment imported into the United States and it is important to know that you, the importer, must bear the cost of such cargo exams. Per the CBP regulations, it is the responsibility of the importer to make the goods available for examination-- "The importer shall bear any expense involved in preparing the merchandise for CBP examination and in the closing of packages" (19 C.F.R. 151.6). Household effects are not exempt. No distinction is made between commercial and personal shipments. In the course of normal operations, CBP does not charge for cargo examinations. However, there may still be costs involved for the importer. For example, if your shipment is selected for examination, it will generally be moved to a Centralized Examination Station (CES) for the CBP exam to take place. A CES is a privately operated facility where merchandise is made available to CBP officers for physical examination. The CES facility will unload (devan) your shipment from its shipping container and will reload it after the exam. The CES will bill you for their services. There are also costs associated with moving the cargo to and from the exam site and with storage. Rates will vary across the country and a complete devanning may cost several hundred dollars. The CES facility fulfills the needs of both CBP and the importer by providing an efficient means to conduct exams in a timely manner. CES facilities are discussed in part 118 of the Customs Regulations.

Some information requested from CBP can only be provided through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) procedures.

When members of the trade community or individuals from the public request information from CBP, there are circumstances when the information being sought can be provided only if the request is pursuant to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The CBP Web site has a comprehensive explanation of the agency FOIA program, including background and general information about FOIA law, FOIA regulations, and specific instructions making a FOIA request.

For general CBP inquiries, please call the CBP INFO Center Monday-Friday, between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern Time.

General Inquiries: (1-877) CBP-5511

International Callers: (202) 325-8000

TDD: (1-866) 880-6582

We recommend you first try to find the information you want by using the CBP INFO Center's FAQ tool. It has more than 500 answers about CBP policies and procedures.

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