I'm installing a new acrylic tub in a roughed-in bathroom. I have a vented waste pipe under the floor, and easy access to everything by just lifting up the subfloor...no finishes anywhere yet.
When the tub is sitting on the floor the bottom of the drain flange ends up maybe 3" above the floor. I spent some time looking for a "straight" waste shoe (if that makes sense), thinking that I would attach it to the flange, then run it straight down through the floor into the trap.
But nothing like a 'straight' waste shoe seems to exist, nor can I find a long drain flange. Am I missing something? Is there a drainage reason why there needs to be a 90 degree bend right after a short flange?
As it stands now my plan is to put in a couple more joints: a 90 after the shoe, then a straight run down through the floor to the trap.
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Author: packy (MA) gerber is what you are looking for.
any plumbing supply house will have one.
make sure to get one with brass nuts..
call deval and ask him "why will i be fined for performing plumbing in my own home?"
you will have to hurry because deval is leaving in a few weeks.
Thanks for the replies!
The newegg link looks perfect, except that I don't have an overflow.
Here's a beautiful cross-section diagram of where I'm at. It's not perfectly to scale but pretty much represents how things are arranged.
The Blue line represents using the waste shoes that I can find.
The Red line would be a straight shot.
Everything below the floor is PVC. I'm happy to use brass if you guys think it's a better idea. the drain flange that I have is chrome.
Edited 2 times.
If you want to learn more, please visit our website Shebs Floor.
Author: packy (MA) where do you get a new acrylic tub that has no overflow?
anyway, what you want to do is hook up the tub drain like a kitchen sink drain but use a tub flange.
you want this type kit and throw away the overflow part.
We got the tub from Signature hardware. Apparently this forum doesn't allow me to post links to their site, but you can search SignatureHardware dot com for "Sheba"
We bought a factory second off of eBay for about half price (quite a deal).
I have a waste shoe exactly like the one you linked, but you'll notice that it's got a 90 degree bend, so if you look at my diagram it's like the blue path: it would require me to attach another 90 above the floor to aim it down towards the trap.
I was hoping to not have to the extra joint, but maybe it doesn't matter.
Edited 3 times.
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