Do allergy window screens work?

06 Jan.,2025


Spring Allergies? How Pollen-Resistant Screens Can Help

Spring Allergies? How Pollen-Resistant Screens Can Help

As the temperatures begin to rise, the days become sunnier, and plants and flowers start to bloom, there&#;s nothing better than opening your windows or screen doors to let some fresh air into your home. Without a window screen pollen filter, air may not be the only thing you&#;re letting in when you open your windows. Spring is the season when you&#;re most likely to see and feel the effects of pollen&#;the almost microscopic particles of yellow dust that collect on your car, outdoor furniture, and window and porch screens. Pollen is not only annoying to clean up, but it can also wreak havoc on your sinuses if you&#;re allergic to it. Roughly 81 million people in the United States suffer from seasonal allergies, and pollen is the leading cause. Pollen in the air can cause sneezing, congestion, runny nose, and watery eyes. If you have asthma, pollen may even be a trigger for an asthma attack. If you tend to suffer from these allergy symptoms each spring, continue reading to learn about a window screen pollen filter and other spring allergy solutions for your home. 

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What is Pollen?

Pollen is a powdery yellow material produced by most plants (flowers, trees, grass) to help fertilize other plants of similar species. These tiny grains are small enough to be picked up by the wind and carried through the air. When pollen counts are high, those with seasonal allergies are likely to suffer, even when they are indoors.

Understanding Pollen Particle Size

Pollen is usually measured in microns&#;a unit which measures the diameter of a spherical object and, like the word microscopic suggests, is exceptionally small. Pollen can vary in size from 10 to microns. To put this in perspective, a single human hair is roughly 100 microns wide. This means that your average window and porch screens may not be protected against pollen floating in the breeze if they are not made of the right materials. Most window screens are made to prevent insects and other intruders from entering your home, but they may not be suitable for keeping particles as small as pollen out. 

Can Insect Screens Prevent Pollen from Getting Indoors?

There are a variety of screen fabric/ mesh densities on the market, each offering a varying layer of protection from insects or other pesky nuisances. The mesh density is measured by individual strands per square inch. For example, a standard insect screen is woven with 18 vertical and 14 or 16 horizontal strands per square inch, commonly referred to as 18×14 or 18×16. In areas that are affected by no-see-ums, a more tightly woven 20×20 screen mesh is used. However, blocking pollen particles requires a tightly woven filtration screen mesh, known as an allergy screen.

If you need clarification on which screen is going to work best or need a pro to help install your allergy guard, Screenmobile can help. 

Allergy Screens

One temporary solution for keeping pollen out is to install a window screen pollen filter. These allergy-reducing screens can be fitted to your existing window screens and will prevent smaller pollen particles from entering. Allergy screens are cut to size, fitted to your window, secured with window caulking or tape, and can be removed once allergy season is over. Studies suggest that pollen screens can effectively reduce the amount of pollen entering through windows by 80-100%, depending on the type and size of pollen particles. 

Pro&#;s + Con&#;s of Allergy Screens


  • More maintenance.

    Since allergy screens are effective at blocking pollen, they are also incredibly effective at blocking/ collecting dust. Customers will need to wash their screens more often to keep them working properly. 

  • Potentially reduced airflow:

    as the pollen screen collects particles, it will start to clog up the screen, potentially reducing airflow. This is easily solved by cleaning the screen to remove those built-up pollen and dust particles. 


  • Studies have shown allergy screens to be effective at reducing allergens entering the home.

  • Allergy screens also act as an insect barrier, so you can prevent both the bugs and the dust from making their way indoors.

Other Tips for Mitigating Seasonal Allergies

  • Check pollen counts for your area. When pollen counts are high, consider closing your windows and reducing outdoor activity.

  • Use central AC and air purifiers that can filter out allergen particles.

  • Clean pollen off your window and porch screens frequently throughout the spring season.

  • Ensure your screens are free of rips or tears and that there are no gaps between them and the frames. 

  • Eliminate dust from surfaces around your home. (If you struggle with dust we highly recommend

    The Cleaning Authority




Final Thoughts on Pollen and Home Screens

If you want to continue enjoying some fresh air through your open windows without suffering from seasonal allergies, you&#;ll need to make sure your window screens can block tiny pollen particles. If you need help figuring out where to start or would like more information about the different allergy screening solutions available, reach out to Screenmobile. Their team of experts can guide you in your screening project from start to finish. From measuring, manufacturing, and installing, window screening by Screenmobile means a guaranteed fit with friendly and knowledgeable service. Let Screenmobile help protect you from seasonal allergies this spring!


Can Pollen Get Through My Window Screens?

Allergy sufferers know that when pollen counts increase, it&#;s time to head indoors. Some people find that just retreating to their homes isn&#;t enough to keep pollen at bay. The problem is, leaving doors and windows open to enjoy the spring breeze can still allow tiny pollen particles in through ordinary household screens.

Don&#;t go closing the shutters and turning up the air conditioning just yet. While pollen can get through ordinary window screens, there are plenty of steps homeowners can take to protect allergy sufferers from seasonal discomfort. Many people even find that they can eliminate their reliance on allergy medications by taking a few simple steps to improve indoor air quality.

For more information, please visit allergy filter screen.

What Are Pollen Allergies?

Before moving on to effective solutions, let&#;s start at the beginning to get some context. Successfully combating pollen allergies requires a basic understanding of what causes them.

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, pollen is one of the leading triggers of seasonal allergies. Also known as hay fever or seasonal allergic rhinitis, allergic reactions to pollen are triggered by exposure to the tiny, dry grains of pollen that grasses, trees, and weeds use to facilitate plant propagation.

Most allergy sufferers know that ragweed is the main culprit. However, other plants such as lamb&#;s quarter, sagebrush, tumbleweed, and even some species of trees also produce pollen. Some people are allergic to only one type of pollen, while others experience symptoms in response to multiple types. These symptoms often include:

  • Sneezing
  • Wheezing
  • Itchy throat
  • Watery eyes
  • Runny nose
  • Nasal congestion

People with pollen allergies don&#;t need to come into contact with the plants, themselves, to experience allergic reactions. The pollen also travels through the air and is carried by the wind. Some days are worse than others. On days when the conditions are ideal for plant pollination, it&#;s common to read updates about high pollen counts. Those are the days when most allergy sufferers choose to stay indoors.

The Truth Behind Pollen Counts

Anyone who suffers from seasonal allergic rhinitis should pay attention to pollen counts. However, they should also know that pollen counts don&#;t tell the entire story. Pollen counts only describe the overall amount of these particles in the air.

Since some people are allergic only to certain species&#; pollen, the overall air saturation may not accurately reflect the risk of exposure. Those with severe allergies often undergo testing to determine what types of pollen they should avoid.

Why Traditional Window Screens Don&#;t Protect Against Pollen

Pollen particles are tiny. They are just 10 to 100 microns in size, with some as small as just one micron. For reference, a strand of human hair can be up to 120 microns thick. Needless to say, that&#;s significantly smaller than the holes in any normal window screen.

Traditional window screens aren&#;t designed to ensure adequate indoor air quality. They&#;re intended to keep out insects, not pollen, dust, and other allergens. As a result, the standard size for the holes in window screens is a little over one millimeter.

Unfortunately, just locking up the windows, closing the doors, and running the air conditioner constantly isn&#;t a great solution. For one thing, it wreaks havoc on homeowners&#; monthly energy bills. For another, it doesn&#;t go far enough to prevent pollen infiltration.

How to Create and Maintain a Pollen-Free Home

While there&#;s little to be done about reducing pollen counts outdoors, allergy sufferers deserve to have a safe, pollen-free home to retreat to when their symptoms begin to flare up. Since pollen is airborne and can also be carried in on residents&#; clothes, shoes, and even in their hair, it may take a little work to prevent it from getting into the home. Here are a few steps homeowners can take to improve their indoor air quality:

1. Install More Effective Screens

Typical household window and door screens do little to prevent pollen from getting in. The mesh on these screens may be small enough to stop flying insects, but pollen particles are much smaller than even the tiniest bugs.

The good news is, homeowners can now purchase NanoScreen window shields from BMT AllergyGuard capable of filtering out particles as small as 250 nanometers. Window shields will allow fresh air in but keep pollen, dust, and even most viruses, from entering the home. They help to improve overall indoor air quality in addition to providing respite for those with pollen allergies.

2. Upgrade Central Air Filters

All central air systems feature disposable filters, but some are more effective than others at capturing pollen and other small airborne particles. Switching out basic disposable filters for models that can more effectively capture indoor pollutants can take pollen that finds its way into the home out of circulation.

3. Purchase a HEPA Air Purifier

HEPA air purifiers are better than even the most effective filters at capturing pollen in indoor environments. They can remove up to 99.9% of pollen particles from the air that passes through them and can be set to purify the air up to ten times per hour.

Air purifiers are more expensive than disposable filters. For that reason, most allergy sufferers purchase one or two and keep them in the rooms where they&#;re most likely to spend large amounts of time indoors, such as bedrooms, living rooms, or offices.

4. Change Clothes Upon Returning Home

Not all the pollen found in modern homes makes its way in through the windows or doors. Some of it gets tracked in on the feet of residents, guests, and household pets. Encourage everyone to remove their shoes upon entering the home. Most allergy sufferers who want to avoid unnecessary flare-ups also change their clothes after spending time outside, especially if the pollen counts have been high.

5. Wash Hands Frequently and Bathe Daily

Anyone who suffers from seasonal allergies should pay special attention to hand washing. It doesn&#;t just reduce the transmission of viruses and bacteria. It can also cut down on how much pollen winds up in the home.

Most experts also recommend bathing and shampooing every night before bed, even if it means taking two showers per day. Nightly bathing removes pollen from people&#;s hair and skin, helping to ensure that it doesn&#;t wash off on the bedding where it can trigger allergic reactions.

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