For more information, please visit texcraf.
Which EMR measuring device is best for me? Where do I start?
Before purchasing shielding material, it is best to assess your environment for both EMF and RF radiation. For best accuracy, we recommend one dedicated device for EMF measurements, and one dedicated device for RF measurements. A list of kits with both types of meters may be found here.
The choice in meter depends on how accurately you want to be able to measure RF and EMF sources. Generally, more expensive models offer higher sensitivity (i.e. detecting lower and higher measurement values), and extended frequency ranges.
Which shielding material is best for me?
It often depends on the application, practicality in your environment, and budget. Viewing the product specification sheets will help to inform what types of applications may be best, and what range of frequencies are shielded.
Do I need to ground shielding materials?
Grounding of shielding materials is done to reduce nearby AC electric fields. It is also strongly recommended to prevent any chance of electrical shock, in the rare chance a live wire makes contact with the material. For example, this can happen if drilling into the wall, and accidentally striking a live wire. Grounding is recommended if the shielding material is applied to surfaces that have live wiring running behind.
What are sources of AC electromagnetic fields?
More information may be found here.
What are sources of radio frequency/microwave radiation?
More information may be found here.
What are sources of dirty electricity / MEP?
Common sources of dirty electricity / MEP include:
Please be aware a total enclosure of RF shielding material is often required to achieve the maximum reduction listed on the product specification sheets. Assuming all interior and local RF sources have been addressed and/or eliminated, this may require mitigation materials on other areas (e.g. ceilings, walls, floors, doorways) for exterior RF sources.
If you have only shielded one or two surfaces, it is possible RF can be entering from the other side of the measuring space, including floors and ceilings.
Sometimes, the RF analyzer may not be sensitive enough to measure the new results (i.e. detecting and registering lower measurement values).
If available, using the sound signature analysis feature on an RF analyzer can assist in identifying RF sources.
I installed RF shielding material and still have bars on my cellphone, why?
It is very difficult to quantify RF with bars on a cellphone. All modern cellphones have the ability to adjust their power output in order to compensate for a weak signal, or to conserve battery in a strong signal environment. As you put a cell under a shielded enclosure, it recognizes it is not getting a signal any more so it boosts its power output in order to get one. The may still show a bar or two because it is transmitting very hard to compensate for the weak signal present. This is why an RF Meter is required, as it can accurately quantify the different levels inside the canopy vs outside the canopy.
RF shielding material is best used at a distance that addresses far-field radiation (i.e. approximately 3 wavelengths away from RF source). Having the shielding material closer than this distance often only addresses near-field RF radiation. This may require finding out the operating frequency of the RF source, in order to find the wavelength.
Can I cover my router with Swiss Shield fabric to block RF?
Please be aware the fabric may not perform to specification by covering a device such as a router. This is because the fabric is designed to be used against far-field radiation. By covering the router (i.e. having the fabric so close), it would only cover near-field radiation. If you decide you still want to cover your router with fabric for your own experimentation purposes, a fabric such as the Swiss Shield Ultima may be considered.
With routers, there are other variables to consider other than the router itself, such as other RF-emitting devices connected to it (e.g. laptop, phones). Same can be said for laptops and all the wireless devices used with it (e.g. wireless mouse, keyboards).
What are considered safe exposure levels?
More information may be found here.
How can I detect/measure 5G?
Most RF meters offered by SLT can measure the low-frequency band (~ 600 - 700 MHz) and mid-frequency band (~ 2.5 - 6 GHz) of 5G technology. Make sure the RF meter has a frequency range that covers these frequencies. Currently, SLT is not yet aware of a consumer-level product that is capable of detecting wireless RF in the 5G high-frequency band (~ 24 - 60 GHz).
How can I shield from 5G?
Generally, standard RF shielding materials (e.g. Yshield paint, RF Foil) may be used. Please note SLT does not yet have test data available in the frequency ranges of 24 GHz and above for products such as the fabrics, mesh, and window films.
Does RF shielding material reflect or absorb radiation?
RF shielding materials are designed to reflect emissions from RF sources.
My Radio Frequency meter is showing a high reading, but I do not have any wireless sources around me?
It is important to address possibly unknown interior and local RF sources. There is still a possibility of exterior sources influencing the readings (e.g. cell tower, neighbors wireless sources).
Can I wear Swiss Shield fabrics as clothing?
SLT does not have specific recommendations for garments, since we have had mixed feedback on the application. The Swiss Shield fabrics work well for RF shielding. Although most of the Swiss Shield fabrics are considered non-conductive, the fabric does have metalized threads, so there is still the possibility of low-frequency AC electric field coupling if the fabric is close enough to your body. Generally, the greater the distance between yourself and the fabric, the better.
SLT normally recommends to focus efforts on areas in the home where you may spend the most time - especially the bedroom - before looking into portable options.
Contact us to discuss your requirements of Whoelsale EMF Canopy For 5g Supplier. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.
5G, the next generation of wireless communication, has brought stellar changes to the world of digital communication.
With peak speeds taking a whopping leap from 4G's 10 Mbps to 10 - 20 Gbps and network latencies dropping from 30 ms to about 1 ms, 5G seems to be the digital era's dream-come-true. For the average Joe, 5G spells top-notch gaming speeds, unrealistically real-time video buffering, and a real-time connection between anything even remotely digital, a concept more popularly known as "Internet of Things" (IoT).
But as the old saying goes, everything comes at a price and 5G is no exception. As the popularity of 5G and its speed continues to make the news, a section of the society is questioning the health hazards of this new kid on the technology market. There's a lot of ambiguity surrounding this topic and lots of concerns need to be addressed. But before we answer the ultimate question surrounding 5G and public health safety, let us take a look at what 5G is capable of theoretically.
We, humans, tend to alarm ourselves at the very mention of the word "radiation". However, it is important to note that not all radiation is harmful.
Radiation is basically the energy emitted from anything in this universe and the harmful effects of radiation largely depend on its type. Ionizing radiation, the ones emitted from X-rays and UV rays, are the harmful kind. They possess the tendency to break apart the atoms and distort the chemical bonds in DNA, leading to the development of tumors and cancers.
The second kinds, the non-ionizing radiations, don't produce enough energy to distort the human DNA and have been ruled out as potentially harmless in that regard. 5G's micrometer and millimeter RF radiations fall into this category. Hence theoretically, 5G is harmless to the human cell structure. But does that completely answer the ultimate question in all our minds? Is its intensity resulting in excessive heat to human tissue too high for it to be considered safe? Many such questions continue to linger.
Is 5G radiation completely harmless then? If not, then how harmful is it?
Most of the researches and studies conducted on the subject of the health hazards of 5G radiations in the past decade have provided us with complicated conclusions and answers.
In , the World Health Organization (WHO)'s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified radiofrequency radiation as potentially 2B carcinogenic and linked them to certain specific types of brain tumors. However, that the IARC puts talcum powders and caffeine in the same category are reasons enough to take this information with a pinch of salt.
More recently, a decade long study published by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) in demonstrated that male rats exposed to high levels of 2G and 3G radiofrequency radiations developed cancerous heart tumors. John Butcher, a senior scientist associated with this study has clarified that the levels and the duration of the exposure in the study were higher than the highest level of possible exposure in humans. Moreover, 2G and 3G differ in many aspects from 5G. Moreover, the American Cancer Society has concluded that most studies researching the adverse effects of cellular RF radiation have failed to link it with the development of tumors. Taking all these aspects into consideration, whether 5G has the same effect on the human body too demands extended research in this area.
Public safety governing bodies also deny any imminent danger to public health and safety. In , the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a statement saying that the current safety limits pertaining to cellphone radiofrequency exposure are acceptable for protecting public health. Even the FCC issues a statement that signals emitted by 5G wireless transmitters in locations accessible to the public are way below the RF exposure limits.
While such statements rule out fatal dangers, there are more palpable reasons to believe that 5G isn't exactly safe for the human body either.
5G operates on millimeter waves. These are waves with extremely large wavelengths and extremely small frequencies. In the current state of cellular signal infrastructure, this means that the moment you walk about a tree or drive behind a building, you will tend to lose 5G signals on your devices. In order to overcome such natural and manmade obstructions, base stations and cell towers will be planted at shorter distances, creating a ubiquitous atmosphere of RF signals all around us the entire time.
Dr. Joel Moskowitz, a public health professor at the University of California states that such ubiquitous millimeter waves could be reasons for problems of the skin, the eyes, and the nervous system. Since millimeter waves are much weaker than microwaves, the skin's pores will be able to absorb them more easily. Further, the capillaries and nerve endings in the skins epidermal layer can cause these radiations to bio-transmit themselves through molecular mechanisms to the nervous system. This is especially dangerous for the elderly, kids, and pregnant women.
An article about the hazards of 5G signals published in the Eluxe Magazine further state that millimeter waves are also known to compromise the human immune system and affect cellular growth over a period of time.
The next question in line is driving pretty much everyone up the wall these days: What can you do to protect yourselves and your loved ones from the dangers of 5G radiation?
Keep phones, computers, routers, and other devices away from your body, especially when you're asleep. Limit the time you spend in proximity to these devices. Instead of carrying around the in your pocket, place it in your bag.
While this may seem like going overboard, it won't when those additional cellular towers come up in every nook and cranny. Buy an EMF measuring device and use it to identify the intensity and areas of high radiation near you. You can use this knowledge to plan where you spend your time during most hours and thus minimize your exposure to RF radiation.
As the concerns surrounding the damage by the RF radiation to the human body escalate, many sellers in the market have come up with EMF Shields to be put up on digital devices. There are EMF cases for phones, routers, computers, and even televisions that claim to minimize the RF impact by up to 92%. While most of these might not be as effective as they promise to be, they nevertheless help you in minimizing the RF impact around you. Even we carry RF blocking products along those lines, albeit for an entirely different purpose (reducing oscillation or feedback, when exterior and interior antennas are too close to each other).
Bombarding your body with radiation from wireless objects is not a good idea. This recently mass implemented smart technology has no long term studies and future implication tests done for your health and safety.
Yes, they appear so, when they warm up our food in seconds. However, know that along with its pros, this technology has severe cons associated with it. We tested using a signal meter where the radiation went off the charts even at 100 feet away from it when it was running.
Far from it, there's a direct link already proven by government studies [atleast see conclusion at bottom of United States government sponsored study (not sponsored by any special interest group) at that implicated cordless phones (along with, of course, cell phones - see next].
Absolutely not good to use cell for long conversations. See the direct link already proven by government studies [atleast see conclusion at bottom of United States government sponsored study (not sponsored by "special interest groups") at that implicated cell phones related to adverse health effects.
Therefore, limit cell use for limited, short, urgent conversations only because as stated in study at preceding link, it does do some harm over long term use. If you need to hold smartphone for long periods to use Internet, connect cell to your home internet instead and turn on Airplane mode.
By doing this, Internet may work faster and you won't be using your data from your smart plan. More importantly, this will also drop the wireless radiation level down to zero leaving only small electrical field radiation due to the battery power.
To reduce that further, you can use short 12 inch selfie stick to hold farther away instead of in your hand. Never charge the while using the - take a break until it finishes changing because electrical radiation is very high when is charging using a wall electrical charger.
air-tube anti-radiation headphones
. Air-tube sends voice to ear preventing electromagnetic radiation approaching close to head through metal in cable. Therefore, it is safer to use than other wired headsets.In our tests, we placed an Apple watch next to the radiation meter and the radiation was off the charts consistently. Unlike cell phones when radiation is highest when a call is coming in, Smart Watches radiate with that same intensity constantly! After a call is complete, cell phones radiate in bursts periodically to search and maintain connection to nearest cell tower. But these watches with wifi and/or cell communication capability radiate at max consistently to monitor movements, network connectivity, etc. That cannot be good for the body when kids and teenagers have their Fitbits (a brand of fitness watch) and Smartwatches on their wrist 24/7/365. Think about it. Tell them to think about it. There are no long term studies of these devices and no one knows what these will do to the human body after wearing them on their wrists for decades or more. Solution: Do not wear them. At the very least, remove them and power them off at nighttime. Never sleep with them considering the wrist may be very close to the head at times, when asleep.
Avoid use if at all possible. A baby's brain cells are multiplying at an astounding level. It does not need any interference caused by radio waves.
Not really. No electronic equipment is safe within 7 feet of human body. Electrical field around it radiates for up to 7 ft. and thus the hair dryer is too close to your head for comfort of your body.
Slowly but surely, over time, wireless radio waves that constantly pass through our bodies do end up doing some serious damage. It is not like someone stands in the way of your and your Bluetooth headset and your line gets disconnected. This proves the radiation passes through our bodies. The cellular damage this does to our DNA has been tested and proven in many studies including the one at preceding link. Replace your wireless devices like wireless mice and keyboards with plugged-in USB alternatives easily available. A little inconvenience now, is worth it in comparison to a serious health problem in old age.
Which would you prefer? By nature, our natural urge and our gut feelings are almost always right.
LED bulbs require much less wattage than CFL or Incandescent light bulbs, which is why LEDs are more energy-efficient and longer lasting. However, the radiation emitted from LED bulbs is far worse for skin and overall health. Our bodies naturally show signs when it is not comfortable and LED bulbs result in more skin rashes and red patches - especially in children because their skin is more delicate. This is why we recommend CFL a.k.a. incandescent light bulbs whenever possible.
As discussed already, wireless signals and radiation have unproven safety track record for long term exposure over many decades.
5G continues to evolve every day and is one of the biggest news of this decade. The best way, hence, to protect yourself from the perils of 5G is to keep yourself updated and educated in this regard. Read about 5G as much as you can and look up ways suggested by doctors and experts on how you can minimize the health hazards associated with 5G under any situation.
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