10 Questions You Should to Know about temperature resistant fabric

20 May.,2024


Decoding PPE Heat Tolerance and Temperature

One question I often regularly receive is about the “heat tolerance” of our Pyrolon  garment fabrics. The question suggests a great deal of confusion about the subject of heat protection, so in this blog I’m going to explain heat tolerance and protection to clear up any confusion.

Want more information on temperature resistant fabric? Feel free to contact us.

Lakeland’s Pyrolon garments offer a range of chemical protection through Types 3 to 6. These garments use fabrics that meet the requirements of FR standard EN 14116 and are tested according to the vertical flammability test EN 15025.

However, it is important to note that the purpose of this test is not to indicate a garment’s level of protection against heat or flames, but rather to indicate that the garment (and, in the latest version of the test, its components) will not ignite, propagate flame or drip molten debris.

The vertical flammability test (EN 15025) is for secondary FR garments. These garments are designed to be worn over primary FR garments (i.e. garments certified to EN11612) and provide chemical or other protection without compromising the thermal protective properties of the primary FR garment.

The questions that come up periodically relating to these products, What is the heat tolerance of the fabric?”  and “What temperature will this fabric stand”?  both suggest confusion about heat protection because they focus on temperature.

In reality, temperature is largely irrelevant or is, at best, a relatively minor factor in assessing heat protection and what causes skin burns.

What causes skin burns?

Skin burns occur because skin cells cannot handle rapid changes in skin temperature. Leaving aside the specific temperature, a 10oC rise over 10 seconds may not cause a burn, but the same rise over 1 second probably will. Whether a burn occurs or not relates specifically to how much heat energy is transferred to the skin over time; the more heat energy transferred in a shorter time, the greater the probability of a burn and the more serious the burn will be.

So the important issues are not what the temperature of the heat source is but how much heat energy it contains; the amount that will be transferred to the skin; and over what period.

For example, a very small heat source at a relatively high temperature contains little energy, so, with contact or close proximity, little energy will be transferred to the skin (which is why you can pass your hand through a candle flame momentarily without being burned).

On the other hand a large, concentrated heat source at a relatively low temperature – but higher than the temperature of the skin (the differential between skin and heat source is also important) –may cause a burn because it contains much more energy to be transferred in a shorter time.

The purpose of heat protective clothing is to prevent or slow the transfer of heat energy from the heat source to the skin.

Considering this, the “heat tolerance” of a fabric or the temperature of the source becomes unimportant. The real question is: “how effective is the fabric at preventing heat energy being transferred through to the skin in a given situation?” (the “given situation” will indicate the type of heat energy transfer: radiant, convective, contact and so on).

Burning Pigs and Sailors

The principles that established the calculation of whether a skin burn will occur or not were develop by Alice Mary Stoll whilst working for the US Naval Air Development Centre in the 1960’s. Extensive work was conducted to identify the relationship between heat energy transfer and time, resulting in the establishment of the “Stoll Curve” – a simple mechanism to predict the combination of heat energy transfer and time that will result in a 50% probability of a 2nd degree burn occurring. This calculation is still used today as the basis for burn prediction.

The work reputedly used experimental burning of the skin of pigs and sailors. The sailors were volunteers but were rewarded with extra shore passes. It’s reasonable to assume the pigs were not however, volunteers!

What exactly is “heat tolerance?”

One problem is not understanding what the questioner means by the term “heat tolerance”. I fear in many cases it is being used as a way to ask:

“What is the maximum temperature against which this fabric will protect?”

If this is the case, then it’s a meaningless question and any answer given is also meaningless. This is because protection relates less to temperature and more to heat energy transfer. The answer, ultimately, is entirely dependent upon the heat energy an object (say, a furnace) contains, how close you are to it, and for how long. If this was a relevant or meaningful question, I could happily and confidently answer with:

“Oh, this fabric has a tested “heat tolerance” of over 30,000oC.”

Of course that would be a ridiculous and irresponsible claim… and yet it would be entirely true. The heat source in this case would be the sun (the surface of which is around that temperature) and the proximity to it is 93 million miles (give or take a few). The test involved standing outside in the sunshine wearing the suit and I could quite happily confirm the test subject suffered no burns…

However, what users may sometimes mean is: “what is the melting point of the fabric?”. Though the question is more specific, in terms of heat protection it is also largely irrelevant for two reasons:

  1. A fabric may have a melting point at XoC; but at the same time, it may soften, decay or otherwise change its properties at a temperature much lower than XoC.
  2. If a fabric has a melting point of 252oC (as is the case with Pyrolon garments), it will not melt until it reaches that temperature. In fact, it has little relevance in terms of any heat protective properties or how the garment is used.

If heat tolerance and temperature are irrelevant… what actually matters?

So when I am asked an apparently simple question like this, I am always concerned by what the thinking behind it is and I am loathe to give a simple answer because, in truth, there isn’t one.

When assessing heat protection, the temperature of a heat source or the “heat tolerance” of the fabric is probably the least important question. What you should be considering when it comes to the selection of protective clothing are the following:

  • The type of heat energy (radiant, convective, contact etc)
  • How much heat energy a source contains and how much may be transferred to the wearer. This will relate to:
    • Proximity to the source
    • Duration of exposure
  • Finally, how effective is a fabric or garment at resisting or preventing the transfer of heat energy from the source to the skin of the wearer? Information on this can be found by looking at the heat energy transfer tests contained within EN 11612 to which a garment has been tested or by considering any Thermal Mannequin testing conducted to indicate predicted body burn.


Protection against heat and flame is a complex issue and it is important to understand that questions such as “what is the heat tolerance of this fabric?” or “what temperature will this fabric protect against?” are largely irrelevant. These questions have no simple answer and not only are they meaningless questions, they are, quite frankly (along with any simple answers you may be given as answers) literally nonsense.

What You Need To Know About Quick Dry Fabric

Nothing can equal the determination, strength, and stamina of athletes and outdoorsmen or women. Fabric technology can help athletes, travelers, and nature lovers to achieve their performance goals by overcoming natural challenges such as rising humidity levels, temperature changes, and sweat production.  

Quick-dry fabrics – also called sweat-wicking of moisture-management fabrics – do just so. They help people feel fresh in any condition, reduce the visibility of sweat patches, and better regulate body temperature. As more people recognize the great potential of these fabrics, manufacturers and scientists have brought to life new types and started to test new applications. But no two quick-dry fabrics are the same! Here is all you need to know about selecting the right sweat-wicking fabric for your products.


What Is Quick Dry Fabric?

Quick-dry fabrics are fabrics designed to absorb the sweat away from your body, pushing it towards the outer edge of the garment or footwear and facilitating natural evaporation. Quick-dry fabrics can be made of various materials, including natural and manmade fibers, among which the most common are merino wool, nylon, and polyester. 

Natural fibers are those found in nature, which can be directly made into fabrics without chemical processing, while man-made fibers can be processed from natural raw materials or synthesized through chemical methods. Some man-made fibers take the multiple advantages of natural fibers to strengthen and integrate, combining the traits that natural fibers don’t obtain, such as antibacterial properties.

Today, the number of quick-dry fabrics and their application is skyrocketing, but these synthetic fabrics, such as nylon and polyester, are still a relatively new invention. In fact, in 1986, an American company called Invista pioneered the developing “Coolmax ”, which is a kind of polyester fabric and is breathable and sweat-wicking. It also made great progress in other synthetic fabrics like spandex and nylon. However, the patent for these revolutionary sweat-wicking fabrics was only filed in 1998 by Robert Kasdan and Stanley Kornblum. Until then, only minimally-wicking and natural fabrics were used, including cotton and wool. 

However, after the initial introduction of moisture management fabrics, this technology continued to be developed. Today, moisture-wicking fabrics are those that can absorb the moisture and promote speedy evaporation, thus preventing the garment from becoming damp. 

Since the production of sweat increases as the heart rate rises during exercise or strenuous activities, sweat-wicking fabrics can avoid the feeling of dampness. In addition, by keeping the body surface exposed to moisture below 50–65%, these fabrics can guarantee much higher comfort levels and better body temperature control. 


What Are the Benefits of Quick Dry Fabric?

Quick-drying fabrics have become an important feature to look for in a garment – and an important unique selling point for manufacturers. These fabrics come with several advantages, including:

  • Helping people hide sweat marks and patched

  • Staying dry in extreme weather or during strenuous physical activity

  • Regulating body temperature in situations where temperature drops and spikes are common (thermoregulation properties)

  • Protecting the body from high humidity levels

  • Reducing skin irritation and

    heat rashes

  • Reducing odors

Quick-dry fabrics usually sit on top of the skin. Thanks to this contact, they are able to act as a sponge for sweat and moisture, pulling it towards the garment’s outer layer and away from the skin. In addition, when the contact surfaces between moisture and air increase, sweat-wicking fabrics can speed up the natural process of evaporation. 

In the case of athletes and outdoors people, sweat-wicking fabrics can also enhance performance and protect muscles from extreme heat and exertion. 

What Fabric Dries the Fastest

As we have seen, several fabrics on the market can be considered quick-drying. However, these are usually natural fibers such as cotton and wool, and they might not be up to athletes’ standards. In fact, quick-drying synthetic fabrics should be able to go from wet to damp within minutes (usually under 30) – and dry entirely within two hours. 

While cotton is the fastest natural quick-dry fabric to dry, polyester is considered the overall fastest fiber. In less than two hours, polyester garments can be completely dry while also remaining antimicrobial and antibacterial. Modern manufacturers also ensure that these properties are maintained at least for 20 washes. 

It is also essential to keep in mind that quick-dry fabric drying time often depends on how the fabric is used, how wet it is, and where it is located. So, while trying time is an essential factor to consider, it is not the only one you need to select the best quick-dry fabric for your project. 

Some of the most popular and versatile quick-dry fabrics include:

Natural fibers:

  • Cotton

  • Wool

  • Merino wool

  • Bamboo

  • Linen

Manmade fibers:

  • Nylon

  • Polyester

  • Rayon

    If you want to learn more, please visit our website texcraf-protection.com.

  • Polypropylene

  • Micromodal 


Applications for Quick Dry Fabric

With an increasing variety of garment types and fabric properties on the market, the number of applications for quick dry fibers is rising. Some of the most common uses for these fabrics include:

  • Travel apparel

    – travelers and backpackers appreciate quick-dry fabrics’ versatility, which allows them to explore their destination all day long without dealing with wet clothes or sweat patches.

  • Sportswear garments

    – during training, sweat production can be

    10-20% higher

    than normal and can amount to 3-4 liters of moisture per hour. Athletes undergo several hours of training and need to remain dry and comfortable for hours. 

  • Towels and undergarments

    – quick-dry fabrics remain clean and hygienic over time. For towels and undergarments, these properties mean that these fabrics can protect the skin and prevent rashes, irritation, or infections from sweat.


Problems With Normal Quick Dry Fabric

Quick-dry fabrics have never been so popular – and yet they are not so perfect just yet! After all, this technology has only been in development for just over 20 years, and there is still plenty of space for further improvements. Here is a rundown of the downsides of the most common quick-dry fabrics. 

Not Breathable

Quick-dry natural fibers such as cotton and linen can dry in just over two hours, mostly thanks to their great airflow levels. As the fresh air filters through the fabric, it dries both the garment and the skin underneath. However, faster-drying synthetic fibers work on a different principle, and they are not blessed with such a great airflow. So, while they can still keep you dry and comfortable, they can cause skin irritation. 

Negative Environmental Impact

The environmental impact of the fashion industry is becoming increasingly substantial, and many consumers have started to realize the consequences of their choices. In turn, manufacturers have started looking into what materials cause the least impactful footprint. For example, while cotton is the most damaging natural fiber, polyester and nylon account for over 60% of the pollution caused by synthetic fibers.

Limited Aesthetic Potential  

Nylon and polyester might be highly efficient fabrics, but they are not among the most visually appealing ones. While new styles are being developed, it is still a challenge for many consumers to find quick-drying clothes to wear daily. 


How ARIAPRENE® Deal With Normal Quick Dry Fabric Problem

ARIAPRENE® is a game-changer in the field of quick-dry fabrics. This material is not only fully customizable and highly efficient, but it is also appealing and versatile, meaning that applications are endless! Thanks to this unparalleled versatility and comfort, ARIAPRENE® has been adopted by several leading names in the active-wear industry, including Tortuga, Nike, and New Balance. Aside from shoes and apparel, ARIAPRENE® is also appreciated in other manufacturing sectors, including equipment, electronics, and wearable technology. Here is what makes it different from other sweat-wicking fabrics.   

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ARIAPRENE® is created differently from any other quick-dry material. It is formed by chemical pellets, molded into a paste thanks to a gentle heat and foaming agents. Once the paste is created, it obtains a clay-like consistency and then is rolled into sheets. After that, the sheets are baked in industrial ovens and will expand larger.

According to the end use, manufacturers can also control the finished product’s elasticity, texture, and appearance by modifying the chemical planets in the mix. 

How Is ARIAPRENE® Different?

ARIAPRENE® is a new and improved version of the quick-dry fabrics that have populated the market for two decades, its foam-core made of TPE (Thermal Plastic Elastin) is degradable and recyclable. This fabric is unique and preferred for some exclusive properties, including:

  • It is lightweight

    – ARIAPRENE® is an ultra-lightweight fabric that can be used for a great range of applications, from footwear to apparel or accessories. 

  • It is highly flexible

    – thanks to the foam-core technology, ARIAPRENE® is highly flexible, elastic and like a second skin. This makes it ideal for athletes and sportspeople who should not be stopped by the quality of their outfits. 

  • It supports the body’s natural movement

    – by stretching and compressing, ARIAPRENE® encourages the body’s natural movement and does not restrict the range of motion athletes need. 

  • It is quick-drying

    – the closed-cell synthetic foam is designed to prevent moisture log and achieves one of the fastest-drying levels out of the most common quick-dry fabrics. 

  • It is hypoallergenic

    – ARIAPRENE® is based on a non-toxic foam core technology, which makes it suitable for long-term wear. 

  • It is highly breathable



    is closed-cell construction, additional perforations can create more airflow to make it highly breathable.

    This keeps the skin fresh, dry, and at the perfect temperature

Know more about the advantages why should choose closed cell foam & Closed Cell Foam Pads

Lastly, ARIAPRENE® is designed to represent the eco-friendly alternative to most synthetic fabrics. Sustainably developed and manufactured, this fabric is fully recyclable and long-lasting.


Frequently Asked Questions About Quick Dry Fabric


Q1:Does rayon dry quickly ?

A1:Rayon is a highly absorbent material that can retain moisture for a long time. As a result, it typically does not dry quickly and requires careful handling when washing and drying.


Q2:How does Quick Dry Fabric work ?

A2:Quick dry fabric is designed to wick moisture away from the skin and to the surface of the fabric, where it can evaporate more quickly. This is often achieved through the use of synthetic materials like polyester or nylon, which are highly hydrophobic and can repel water. Additionally, quick dry fabrics may have special finishes or treatments to enhance their moisture-wicking properties.


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