10 Questions You Should to Know about lowest maintenance motorcycles

13 May.,2024


Motorcycle Maintenance Checklist

Do motorcycles need a lot of maintenance?

The motorcycle driving experience is unique, but what about the maintenance? If you’ve been on the fence about getting a motorcycle, then you’ll be happy with the answer. Motorcycle preventative maintenance is typically much simpler than that of cars. Motorcycles are smaller, have fewer parts that are easier to access, and are resultingly much easier to maintain. One point of maintenance many motorcycles require that cars do not is the chain. And the type of upkeep tasks they share are typically easier on motorcycles.1

Motorcycle maintenance checklist

The motorcycle driving experience is unique, but what about the maintenance? If you’ve been on the fence about getting a motorcycle, then you’ll be happy with the answer. Motorcycle preventative maintenance is typically much simpler than that of cars. Motorcycles are smaller, have fewer parts that are easier to access, and are resultingly much easier to maintain. One point of maintenance many motorcycles require that cars do not is the chain. And the type of upkeep tasks they share are typically easier on motorcycles.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit lowest maintenance motorcycles.

Before you take your motorcycle out for that first ride of the season, use this motorcycle maintenance checklist to help keep yourself (and those around you) safe on the road.

  1. Start with fresh fuel1
    If you didn’t drive your motorcycle all winter, the first thing to do is change the fuel. Gasoline gets stale when it sits in the tank too long. Use a siphon pump to get rid of any old gas, and then fill the tank with fresh fuel.

  2. Change the oil
    Just as you need clean fuel, you also need to change the oil and replace the oil filter before you take your bike out for your first ride. Neglecting this step can affect the performance and longevity of your motorcycle.

  3. Check the battery life
    Some riders disconnect their motorcycle batteries for the winter and recharge them every month or two. Once you reconnect the battery, you’re probably ready to roll. However, if it’s been sitting all winter long, you might have a dead battery on your hands. If it’s a fairly new battery, charging it up is fine. If it’s three or four years old, you may find it doesn’t keep a charge, or you might have a hard time charging it. In that case, you’re probably better off purchasing a new battery and playing it safe.

  4. Check your tires
    Tires are some of the most important parts of any vehicle, so they deserve your time and attention. Check their air pressure to make sure it’s at a safe level for riding. You’ll also want to check your tread to determine if it’s still got enough depth to offer you sufficient traction. If your air pressure and tread are all set, then just look for any cracks or rot in the sidewall of the tires before moving on.

  5. Inspect your chain
    Your bike’s chain is one of its most critical components, but constant exposure to the elements can cause it to deteriorate or become loose. Check it to ensure it’s still tight and well-lubricated. You may need to clean the chain and reapply lubricant.

  6. Get plenty of fluids
    Oil and gas aren’t the only fluids your motorcycle depends on. Brake fluid and coolant are important for motorbike maintenance, but they can sometimes leak if your bike is left standing for a long period of time. Double-check your levels and refill or top them off. Or, flush out the old fluids and replace them with fresh fluids.

  7. Don't forget your cables
    Oil and grease in your cable housing can dry up over time, and that can affect the performance of your clutch and throttle. Inspect your clutch, brakes, throttle, choke, and any other cables to ensure they’re still responsive and not frayed.

  8. Make your bike shine
    As a final step, make sure you give your motorcycle a thorough cleaning. Not only does it protect your paint and make your bike look fantastic, but cleaning your bike frequently keeps it in better working condition2.

When should I service my motorcycle?

You want your bike to be ride-ready at all times! So how often should you service your motorcycle? You’ll need to change your oil and check your chain on a regular basis - every 6 months or 4,000 miles.

Your tire pressure should be checked more frequently, at least once a month. In the longer-term, you’ll need to tune your carburetor and flush your cooling system (if you have a water-cooled engine) every two years or so. You can do much of this maintenance yourself for lower cost, however some may prefer to let an expert handle it. A professional should also be consulted if more severe issues like engine trouble emerge.3

Motorcycle maintenance is an important part of staying safe on the road

Following this motorcycle safety inspection checklist helps ensure your bike is ready to take on the road. Without a helpful service checklist to refer to, properly maintaining your bike over time can become more difficult. More so, not having a well-cared for motorcycle on the road becomes less safe for you and those around you.

Before you take to the road, make sure you have a motorcycle insurance policy that meets your needs. Learn more about coverage options and get a quote today.

1https://motorcyclehabit.com/are-motorcycles-easier-to-maintain-than-cars-an-unbiased-guide/, Accessed April 2022.
2https://www.thedrive.com/news/44615/how-to-get-your-motorcycle-in-shape-for-spring, Accessed April 2022.
3https://motorcyclehabit.com/how-often-should-i-get-my-motorcycle-serviced/, Accessed April 2022.

Motorcycle Maintenance Checklist to Get Ready for Spring

Every February, we get antsy, waiting for spring to arrive in all its motorcycling glory and warmth. While some of us ride year-round, many are just waiting for the first warm day to get the bike out of winter storage.

How to Get Your Motorcycle Ready for Spring

If it’s been sitting for an extended period, then it’s crucial that you thoroughly inspect the bike in accordance with your owner’s manual requirements.

We’ve created a short spring motorcycle maintenance checklist you can do to get your bike ready while waiting for the first day of the season. That way, you’ll know as soon as you try to start the bike you can ride to your heart’s content.

Our Spring Motorcycle Maintenance Checklist

Even the most seasoned rider can use a basic motorcycle maintenance refresher. Here’s how to start maintaining your motorcycle when riding season approaches.

1. Make Sure You Are Legal and Road-Ready

Make sure your tags are up to date, and your motorcycle insurance is up to date. Get peace of mind that you are covered in case of an unplanned incident.

Reach out to our insurance specialists today for a quote.

2. Check Your Service Manual

This is the single most vital kit you can keep around your garage. Refer to the manual to see what regular maintenance tips your bike needs and how often you should do it.

We bet there’s at least one thing you can do to improve your bike that’s covered in your manual.

3. Visual Inspection of Your Motorcycle

While this might sound basic, quickly inspect every part of the bike for signs of damage.

What’s out of place?

Are there any signs of excessive wear or visible damage where they shouldn’t be?

If you haven’t ridden through the winter, especially if you keep your bike outside, you should ensure that an animal hasn’t made your engine its home—mice and squirrels, in particular, love to move into unused engine blocks and chew through wires.

A quick maintenance check can tell you a lot, especially if you know your motorcycle well.

4. Battery and Electrical Check

Batteries get drained in the cold, harsh winter weather. Nothing kills the mood faster on the first nice day than dead batteries.

Turn your key halfway to make sure that the headlights come on. If they don’t, it’s time to attempt a trickle charge with a battery tender and hope you don’t need a new motorcycle battery.

Does your brake light work?

How about the blinkers?

If the lights work, move on to the rest of your electrical system. Clean the spark plug and battery terminals, check your fuses, and replace whatever needs to be replaced.

5. Check Your Fluid Levels

Fluids power your bike and ensure that you don’t destroy the engine in the process.

Are you interested in learning more about HIGH SPEED electric motorcycle? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!

  • Gas: Fill the gas tank with some fresh fuel and inspect the fuel lines and seals for cracks in the rubber.
  • Fuel Tank: How’s the fuel tank—does it need a new fuel filter?
  • Engine Oil: Check your oil level; it’s probably time for an oil change.
  • Brake Fluid: Does your brake fluid need a closer look?

6. Lubrication

So many places on your bike can use a little love from a touch of grease.

Your brake lever, pegs, shifters, and other moving parts love to be lubricated.

If that’s in order, when was the last time you checked your clutch and throttle cables, or for that matter, your steering head bearings?

Take a little time for some motorcycle TLC.

7. Chains and Belts

Unless you are riding a 1942 Harley-Davidson® XA (the only shaft drive Harley-Davidson ever made), you need to inspect your drive system.

Chains and belts wear and need replacing over time. Ensure that a drive chain is cleaned and oiled and that the chain alignment is up to spec.

If you have a belt, ensure your drive belt tension matches the specifications outlined in your motorcycle Owner’s manual and inspect the belt for cracks.

8. Tires and Brakes

Flat tires can quickly ruin an otherwise great day, but losing control on the road is a bit slower. This is why inspecting your bike where the rubber truly meets the road is crucial.

Ensure your tires are holding air at the proper tire pressure, and if not using paddock stands during winter storage, ensure your tires haven’t developed flat spots or cracks.

How worn are the tires? 

Do they still have tire tread in spec with what the tire manufacturer recommends, or are you the owner of sad balding tires?

9: Brake Check

Confirm the brake cables operate properly.

Check the front and rear brake to ensure your brake pads are still doing their job and the brake lines are in perfect working order.

Brake pad wear that goes unnoticed can be dangerous!

10. Make Sure Everything’s Tight (But Not Too Tight)!

Critical fasteners should be checked at specific mileage intervals based on the recommended maintenance intervals in your owner’s manual. In addition, each fastener has a specific torque value defined in the Service Manual.

If bike maintenance is required and the proper manual or tools are unavailable, or if the service is outside your comfort level, it’s best to take your bike to a professional or dealer for servicing.

There’s nothing worse than having to drill out a bolt and go through the process of rethreading or sizing a piece because you overtightened or lost a part on the road.


11. Clean Up

Check your air filter and all the nooks and crannies to ensure you are cleaned up.

If there’s nothing else to be done, it’s time to give the bike a bath and a wax; that way, your pride, and joy is gleaming on day one.

12. Enjoy the Warm Weather on The Open Road

Take to the streets with joy; it's riding season.

Bottom Line on Spring Motorcycle Maintenance Tips

After weeks or months of minimal or no use, preparing for spring riding season will be necessary.

Taking the time to perform a motorcycle maintenance checklist is essential to ensuring an enjoyable riding experience. Following these motorcycle care tips, you can prepare your motorcycle for spring and enjoy the open road.

Remember to check your bike insurance coverage to ensure you are protected if you encounter any unexpected incidents. Your motorcycle can provide years of riding pleasure with proper maintenance and care.

So, get your checklist ready and give your motorcycle the attention it deserves before hitting the road this spring!

Want more information on HIGH SPEED electric motorcycle china supplier? Feel free to contact us.

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